Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8101
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Link maintenance
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20220912 12:14 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Maint. win. Start : 20220916 7:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20220919 17:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 4680.0 min
Affected organisations:
* Customer is working on their connection.
* Link will unavailable during maintenance.
SU-S003690 Universitetskanslerambetet, sunet-uka1, EXT:CUST
* 20220919 12:04 UTC
Maintenance is completed.
* 20220919 12:06 UTC
Disregard the previous update. Link is up but the bgp
session is still down.
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8101
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Resolved
Ticket Summary : Link maintenance
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20220912 12:14 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Maint. win. Start : 20220916 7:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20220919 17:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 4680.0 min
Affected organisations:
* Customer is working on their connection.
* Link will unavailable during maintenance.
SU-S003690 Universitetskanslerambetet, sunet-uka1, EXT:CUST
* 20220919 12:04 UTC
Maintenance is completed.
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8110
Ticket Type : Unscheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : FPC error on umu-r2
Ticket Scope : Hardware
Ticket Opened : 20220915 10:55 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Problem Start : 20220915 10:56 UTC
Problem End :
Affected organisations:
* We got major errora on FPC3 on our router in Umeå after
exchanging it.
* Affected service:
SU-S003027 to HPC2N, sunet-hpc2n-phy3
SU-S003027 to HPC2N, sunet-hpc2n-phy4
* 20220919 9:37 UTC
The FPC needs to be replaced. New FPC has been sent and
expected to be delivered this afternoon.
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8101
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Link maintenance
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20220912 12:14 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Maint. win. Start : 20220916 7:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20220919 17:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 4680.0 min
Affected organisations:
* Customer is working on their connection.
* Link will unavailable during maintenance.
SU-S003690 Universitetskanslerambetet, sunet-uka1, EXT:CUST
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8101
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Link maintenance
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20220912 12:14 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Maint. win. Start : 20220916 7:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20220919 17:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 4680.0 min
Affected organisations:
* Customer is working on their connection.
* Link will unavailable during maintenance.
SU-S003690 Universitetskanslerambetet, sunet-uka1, EXT:CUST
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8110
Ticket Type : Unscheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : FPC error on umu-r2
Ticket Scope : Hardware
Ticket Opened : 20220915 10:55 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Problem Start : 20220915 10:56 UTC
Problem End :
Affected organisations:
* We got major errora on FPC3 on our router in Umeå after
exchanging it.
* Affected service:
SU-S003027 to HPC2N, sunet-hpc2n-phy3
SU-S003027 to HPC2N, sunet-hpc2n-phy4
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8112
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Planned Fiber Maintenance
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20220915 14:37 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Maint. win. Start : 20220928 22:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20220929 1:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 60.0 min
Affected organisations:
* Supplier will perform fiber maintenance.
* Affected service:
SU-S003739 - IP-VPN customer connection
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8111
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Planned Fiber Maintenance
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20220915 13:54 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Maint. win. Start : 20220928 22:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20220929 4:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 30.0 min
Affected organisations:
* MIUN, NORDUnet, DU, ORU, Netnod
* Provider will preform maintenance, reroute circuits back to
ordinary route.
* Reduced redundancy in SUNET backbone.
The follow services will be impacted during the
SU-S003818 - AW Netnod STHB - MCEN1
SU-S003713 - AW Netnod STC - LLA1
SU-S003632 - TUG - BAL NDN1 193.50THz
SU-S003693 - Wave for Netnod "dwdm1-stc.sth.netnod.se" to
SU-S003664 - Alien wave for Nordunet TUG - GAUS23 192900GHz
SU-S003658 - Wave for Netnod "dwdm1-stc.sth.netnod.se" to
SU-S003651 - TUG - BAL NDN3 193.00THz
SU-S003650 - TUG - BAL NDN2 193.050THz
SU-S002115 - Backbone lba-r1 - fsn2-r1
SU-S003060 - IP to ORU2
SU-S002325 - Backbone oru-r2 - fsn2-r1
SU-S003513 - DU 10GE DU4-DU1
SU-S003514 - DU 10GE DU4-DU1
SU-S003516 - MIUN 10GE MIUN2-MIUN4
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8111
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Planned Fiber Maintenance
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20220915 13:54 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Maint. win. Start : 20220928 22:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20220929 4:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 30.0 min
Affected organisations:
* MIUN, NORDUnet, DU, ORU, Netnod
* Provider will preform maintenance, reroute circuits back to
ordinary route.
* The follow services will be impacted during the
SU-S003818 - AW Netnod STHB - MCEN1
SU-S003713 - AW Netnod STC - LLA1
SU-S003632 - TUG - BAL NDN1 193.50THz
SU-S003693 - Wave for Netnod "dwdm1-stc.sth.netnod.se" to
SU-S003664 - Alien wave for Nordunet TUG - GAUS23 192900GHz
SU-S003658 - Wave for Netnod "dwdm1-stc.sth.netnod.se" to
SU-S003651 - TUG - BAL NDN3 193.00THz
SU-S003650 - TUG - BAL NDN2 193.050THz
SU-S002115 - Backbone lba-r1 - fsn2-r1
SU-S003060 - IP to ORU2
SU-S002325 - Backbone oru-r2 - fsn2-r1
SU-S003513 - DU 10GE DU4-DU1
SU-S003514 - DU 10GE DU4-DU1
SU-S003516 - MIUN 10GE MIUN2-MIUN4
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit:
Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8079
Ticket Type : Unscheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Link unstable lla1 - kir3
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20220825 11:38 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Problem Start : 20220825 10:49 UTC
Problem End : 20220903 3:36 UTC
Affected organisations:
* The link between lla1-r2 - kir3-2 is unstable.
The link between lla1-r2 and kar1-r1 is also showing issues.
* The following service is affected:
SU-S002102 Backbone kir3-r2 - lla1-r2
SU-S002106 Backbone kir3-r2 - kar1-r1
Reduced redundancy in SUNET backbone.
* 20220825 13:37 UTC
The reason for outage was due to an unexpected reboot of
FPC-card. Escalating to provider.
* 20220825 18:46 UTC
Connection went down again due to issues with the FPC card.
* 20220826 4:02 UTC
The circuit went down again. This time even the backbone
link between kir3-r2 - kar1-r1 was affected.
* 20220826 4:24 UTC
Escalated to Netnordic.
* 20220907 13:18 UTC
We will restart SPMB card on the affected routing engine in
For information about SUNET tickets and the sunet-fail list visit: