Updating Identity Python governing policies
by hlflanagan@sphericalcowgroup.com
Hello idpy Board members!
Over the last few months, the idpy developers group has discussed what structure idpy projects should commonly follow. This discussion was inspired by the question of whether we should bring in a new project, djangosaml2, under the umbrella of Identity Python.
Also over the last few months, we have had the opportunity to exercise the incident response policy. Some items listed in the incident response policy did not take into account the incident handling tools that GitHub natively provides.
As a result of all those conversations, Ivan and I (with feedback from the developers) have updated our governance policies. You can see the proposed changes in the Governance repository:
If you click on idpy-incidentresponse.md and idly-projects.md, there is a “History” link that will let you see the PR that included all the proposed changes.
Please take a moment to review the proposed changes. We’ll discuss and (if we managed to get everyone on a call) vote in an upcoming Board meeting. I’ll send out a separate doodle poll to set that up.
Thanks! Heather