Hi everyone,
Thank you for everyone's engagement during our two days of network meeting! A lot of
very good ideas for the future came out of our discussions and I will try to summarize
them below:
First of all: we have funding for the two coming years, from the Nordic LGBTI Fund (the
Nordic Research Council)!
This includes money for keynotes, conference facilities for meetings (one per year) and
for some time for me to work as a coordinator. Unfortunately there is no funding for
travel or accommodation for participants, but I have applied for funding from Forte and
Nordic Gender Fund as well - so hopefully this can be covered also for future meetings.
For coming network meetings we discussed several possible themes that we want to delve
* Methodology - 1. Labels/categories/terms, 2. Positionality (insider/outsider
etc.'), 3. Who the research is for and by, participatory research (Would queer methods
be something we can focus on for future program applications and project plans?)
* Pedagogy - dilemmas of teaching LGBTQ+ "knowledge", lack of courses, more
diverse student group - challenges
* Disciplinary issues - meet up in disciplinary as well as multi-disciplinary groups
for support and strategies
* Early researchers' perspectives - focus on applications, articles, mentoring
* Discussing conference ideas for 2027? - coordinating with history conferences (2025,
2026) and the trans conference (2026-27)
* Keynote suggestions: Sari Van Anders. We have quite a lot of money for keynotes, so
please suggest your dream keynote to me!
Other plans:
* Zoom meetings for ideas/pitches, discussing texts, presenting results
* Arranging a workshop about LGBTQ+ research applications with PI's from the Forte
special call
* Edited volumes in Social Work and Education were discussed
* Conference working groups were discussed for the Nordic Social Work Conference and
NERA, the Nordic Educational Research Association, conference
We have a coordinating group: Amanda Klysing, Mats Christiansen, Ylva Odenbring, Madeleine
Kirsch Eriksson, Emilia Brusila
Thank you all for joining! It would be great to also have someone from Norway and
Attached is a Menti cloud that summarize why people at the meeting wanted to participate
and their wishes for the network - a very good inspiration for the future! We concluded
that the social and community aspects of these types of meetings should not be
underestimated, and we will continue to prioritize those.
I will get back to you with some plans for Zoom meetings in the spring. Please let me know
if you want to be a part of the coordinating group, or arrange something for the network
(maybe together with me) that you feel passionate about.
Warm regards and hopes for a restful holiday ahead,
- - - - - -
Kiin Catrine Andersson
Associate Professor (Docent) of Social Work
Department for Social Work, Malmö University
205 06 Malmö