On 2016-01-30 10:41, Linus Nordberg wrote:
It seems like git doesn't actually verify checksums by default.
I think it makes sense to perform the following on all repos:
printf "[transfer]\n\tfsckobjects = true\n[fetch]\n\tfsckobjects =
true\n[receive]\n\tfsckobjects = true\n" >> .git/config
git fsck --full
Dev mailing list
Dev at lists.sunet.se
https://lists.sunet.se/listinfo/dev Thanks, I've added it globally.
If you sign commits, I can also recommend to make an alias
git-merge='git merge --verify-signatures --no-ff' to automatically
verify the signatures in the branch to be merged, as well as set
git-pull to the alias "git pull --verify-signatures".
If you are interested you can also checkout (and improve) the script I
made to verify the signatures on all commits in a branch or the commits
made after the last trusted tag: