I’m using gnuplot for diagrams at the moment, but I would not say that I know it. It
should be sufficient for drawing up something for my report. I don’t know if it’s possible
to create some interactive web thingey from it?
D3 looks good, but I would have to learn it from scratch and unfortunately I don’t have
weeks to spend on it.
It should not be anything fancy, but I’m not exactly sure how best to visualise it…
Henrik: If you are interested in helping out with the front end part it would be
// Josef
On 09 Dec 2015, at 13:43, Linus Nordberg <linus at
nordu.net> wrote:
FWIW, I'm happy to help get you started with gnuplot if that's where you
end up. Might be good enough for your immediate needs.
I've also dabbled in R a little bit if that is what you'd rather do.
Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net> wrote
Wed, 9 Dec 2015 13:37:40 +0100 (CET):
| Hi
| I've been using d3 for a couple of things. But I am by no means good
| at it. If you are lucky there is something at the d3 example page that
| could be useful.
| Note that a couple of hours will probably not take you that far. Good
| visualization is a significantly bigger time sink that it looks like
| from afar.
| Otherwise there is gnuplot. Old and reliable, not superdifficult (but
| almost impossible to make it look "good").
| /Henrik
| On Wed, 9 Dec 2015, josef wrote:
| > Hi,
| >
| > I’m looking for someone who knows a thing or two about data
| > visualisation and has a few hours to spare.
| > I have a few sets of entries (accepted root certificates in CT logs,
| > 10 logs with 20-500 entries each) and I’m interested in showing how
| > they overlap, preferably with the possibility to klick around a
| > bit. There are probably some people online who would also find it
| > interesting…
| >
| > I don’t really know anything about setting up the front end but I
| > have some scripts for generating the data. Anyone interested?
| >
| > // Josef
| Best regards, Henrik
| Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net>
| Software Developer, NORDUnet