Dear colleagues,
You are hereby invited to submit to a symposium on the circulation and reprinting of texts and images in the periodical press with the aim of producing an open-access edited volume by an esteemed publisher. We the organisers/editors form the ongoing research project ‘Information highways of the 19th century: The public sphere as newspaper infrastructure and shared content’, focusing on Swedish-language newspapers and working with both digital methods and close reading. Submissions may encompass periodicals from any nation and any time period. We seek submissions contributing to the historical knowledge on scissors-and-paste editing, including all types of content and interrelations with other media forms, using quantitative and/or qualitative methods.
Please forward the invitation to those you think might be interested.
Call for papers: Histories of content reuse in the periodical press
From a historical perspective, the alleged predicament of today’s digital sharing culture evokes at least two impulses: First, the need arises to address problems with history-less conceptions of the unicity of our time. Second, the transformations in the present – real or imagined – trigger the research imagination regarding relations between dissemination, accessibility, content and information technologies in the past. As it happens, digitisation also means that such new queries, as well as some old but hitherto impossible to answer, can now be explored.
We are pleased to announce a symposium aiming at an open-access edited volume focusing on issues of content reuse in the periodical press. We invite submissions providing scholars room for nuanced arguments and aim for a volume that will showcase state-of-the-art historical research. Contributions may encompass periodicals from any nation(s) and any time period(s). They can engage in anything from local editorial principles and reading practices to overall systemic or infrastructural aspects – as well as in how these levels were interrelated and changed over time. They can concentrate on verbatim reprints or more creative forms of reuse. They can focus on newspapers or journals exclusively or on their relations with other media forms. And they can indeed include illustrations and other non-textual media. We seek submissions that contribute to the historical knowledge on these issues, using quantitative and/or qualitative methods.
Topics of contributions can include but are not limited to:
* empirical studies exploring historical questions on, e.g, content flows and circulation in time and space; adaptations and recontextualisation; the role of individual agents in the larger networks;
* empirical studies demonstrating the possibilities of close reading and/or digital methods (e.g., overcoming subjective sampling, expanding temporal scope or making systematic cross-national comparisons).
Submission guidelines
* Abstracts should be approximately 500 words, describing the proposed paper’s focus, methodology and relevance to the volume’s theme.
* Include a brief bio with your submission.
* Submissions should be sent to patrik.lundell(a) by 1 April 2024.
* Notification of decisions by 31 April.
Tentative timeline: Chapter drafts (6,000–11,000 words) by mid-January 2025. Symposium in Lund, Sweden, early February 2025. Full chapters by early May 2025. Comments from the editors in June 2025. Revision period. Submission to the publisher autumn 2025.
In May this year, we will apply for funding of the symposium, and we expect to be able to subsidise the costs associated with it. Of course, the economic feasibility and environmental acceptability of on-site participation depends on the nature and scope of travels; online participation will be possible. By mid-June a more precise timeline will be communicated and first contacts with a publisher will have been made.
We look forward to receiving your contributions to this vibrant field!
Jimmy Engren (Örebro University), Johan Jarlbrink (Umeå University) & Patrik Lundell (Örebro University)
Historiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet utlyser en doktorandtjänst i historia med inriktning mot Förintelsens historia och minneskultur. Mer information om tjänsten och ansökningsprocessen finner du här: Doktorandplats i historia - Uppsala universitet (<>
Dag Lindström
Prefekt vid Historiska institutionen och Hugo Valentin-centrum
Uppsala universitet
Box 628, 751 26 Uppsala
Tel. 018-471 1556
Head of department
Department of History and the Hugo Valentin Centre
Uppsala University
Box 628, 751 26 Uppsala
Phone: + 46 (0)18 471 1556
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Sök doktorandtjänst i bok- och bibliotekshistoria vid Lunds universitet senast 7 mars!
Mer information och anvisningar för ansökan finns här:
Jonas Nordin
Professor i bok- och bibliotekshistoria
Biträdande prefekt
Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper | Avd. för bokhistoria
Besöksadress: Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postadress: Lunds universitet, Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Telefon: 046-222 3142<>
När du skickar e-post till Lunds universitet behandlar vi dina personuppgifter i enlighet med gällande lagstiftning.
Mer om hur dina personuppgifter behandlas hittar du på Lunds universitets webbplats<>
Vill tipsa om en postdok-tjänst på Mittuniversitetet med inriktning mot samiska studier och/eller urfolksstudier, den är öppen att söka för bl.a. historiker (liksom säkert idéhistoriker och ekonomhistoriker etc.):…
Allt gott
Hej kollegor,
Nedan info från våra kollegor i Island om nästa Nordiska Historikermöte som kommer att äga rum i Reykjavík 2025. Sprid gärna informationen i era kanaler.
Silke Neunsinger
Arbetarrörelsen arkiv och bibliotek
Elektronvägen 2
141 49 Huddinge
tel 08-4123927
mobil 070-7613927
Från: Rósa Magnúsdóttir - HI <rm(a)>
Skickat: den 7 februari 2024 12:19
Till: Rósa Magnúsdóttir - HI <rm(a)>
Ämne: NHM2025: Det 31. Nordiske Historikermøde i Island
Dear friends and colleagues,
It has come to my attention that not everyone is aware of the launch of our website for the 31st Congress of Nordic Historians to be held in Reykjavík in 2025.
May I ask for your assistance in spreading the word? It would be of enormous help if you could notify your personal networks and make sure that your national associations are distributing the information wide and far. And if applicable, please also post a link to the website in relevant groups on your social media accounts. We look forward to welcoming you in Iceland in August 2025!
The website is:
The deadline for sending abstracts is May 25, 2024.
Thank you all very much for your help and warm wishes from Iceland,
Rósa Magnúsdóttir
Prófessor í sagnfræði / Professor of History
Deild heimspeki, sagnfræði og fornleifafræði / Faculty of Philosophy, History and Archaeology
Hugvísindasvið / School of Humanities
Háskóli Íslands / University of Iceland
Árnagarði #408, Sturlugötu 1, 101 Reykjavík
Email: rm(a)<>
Tel: +354 525 4242
Mobile: + 354 859 8243
Vid historiska institutionen i Uppsala drivs sedan ett flertal år tillbaka det omfattande forsknings- och digitaliseringsprojektet Gender and Work (GaW) med det övergripande syftet att öka kunskapen om mäns och kvinnors arbete i äldre tid.
Nu lanserar GaW en betaversion av sin databas nya sök- och uttagsverktyg samtidigt som en mängd nya data från perioden 1720-1880 görs tillgängliga för alla intresserade. I databasen kan du söka bland 40 000 registrerade försörjningsaktiviteter utförda mellan 1550 och 1880 och fritextsöka bland 7 000 källtexter från bland annat domböcker, dagböcker och suppliker.
Det tillgängliggjorda materialet består både av de data som vår bok Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society (2017) baserade sig på, och de data som ligger till grund för vår kommande bok Gender, Work, and the Transition to Modernity in Northwestern Europe, 1720-1880.
Mer information om projektet (om den verb-inriktade metoden, om källmaterial, publikationer, resultat med mera) och ingång till databasen hittar du på GaW:s hemsida
Via den här länken kan du gå direkt till betaversionen: Beta-versionen av databasapplikationen är fortfarande under utveckling och vi tar gärna emot dina synpunkter på vad som kan förbättras på info.gaw(a)<>
Den gamla versionen av databasen finns fortfarande tillgänglig på
Sofia Ling
Gender and Work
Historiska institutionen
Uppsala universitet
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här:
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here:
There are two postdoc positions announced within the ERC Consolidator Grant project 'De-Centering Eighteenth-Century Political Economy: Rethinking Growth, Wealth and Welfare in the Swedish Empire' (DEPE), led by Ere Nokkala, Jyväskylä University. Apply by 6 March, at the latest.
Read more here:
Jonas Nordin
Professor of Book and Library History
Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences | Division of Book History
Visiting address: Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address: Lund University, Box 192, 221 00 Lund, Sweden
Telephone: +46-(0)46-222 3142<>
When you send emails to Lund University, we process your personal data in accordance with existing legislation.
To find out more about the processing of your personal data, visit the Lund University website<…>