Annual Swedish Doctoral Workshop in Information Studies
The traditional annual doctoral workshop for all doctoral students in information studies in Sweden will be organised next time on April 25-26 2024 in Uppsala. The workshops starts at 9.15 on April 25 and ends with lunch on April 26 starting at noon. The workshop will be organised onsite with no possibility for online participation.
The workshop is for all doctoral students enrolled in information studies programmes in Sweden and their supervisors. We expect that at least one supervisor follows every doctoral student but all active supervisors are more than welcome to join. Bookings and the cost for travelling and accommodation are on participants’ and their home departments.
All doctoral students are invited (read, expected) to submit a (short) paper for discussion and comments from peers and supervisors (others than your own) from the network. The papers should not be written for the workshop only but be thesis text, article, conference paper or chapter drafts or similar. A reasonable length is somewhere between 1500 and 12000 words.
All participants, including doctoral students and supervisors are also expected to prepare to briefly present their research at the workshop. Prepare to submit one slide describing your current interests or something similar.
In addition, all participants are expected to prepare to comments and questions for a smaller number of papers at the seminar.
Deadline for all submissions: 11 April.
More information on all submissions, preparations, programme and registration will be available early next year.
best wishes and welcome to Uppsala,
Isto Huvila
Institutionen för ABM | Department of ALM
Uppsala universitet | Uppsala University
(t) +46 18 471 34 20
(m) +46 70 167 94 70
(e) firstname.lastname(a)
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Dear all,
The last Friday of the month is approaching and normally I would have sent out an invitation to Shut Up & Write by now.
However, because I'm attending this year's ämnesmöte on Friday and will be travelling at the time of the session, and many of you are attending a viva in Lund and other meetings on Friday afternoon, I have decided to cancel the session.
Looking forward to starting a new round of sessions in 2024!
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a) |<>
University of Borås
Dear all,
Welcome to the second seminar in the ReSource international seminar series at 10.00-11.00, Thursday 16th of November in the following Zoom room:
The seminar series is organised twice per semester together with the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS), Western University, Canada and the School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry (MCASI), Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
Just as the last one, this seminar involves a panel discussion on what it means to be a PhD student in different parts of the world. Kit Messham-Muir (Professor at MCASI), Vanessa Paun (PhD student at MCASI), Isto Huvila (Professor at Uppsala University), and Elisa Tattersall Wallin (Senior Lecturer at the University of Borås who successfully defended her PhD thesis last year) will discuss the similarities and differences between LIS PhD programmes in Sweden and Australia.
The seminar is relevant for anyone interested in international perspectives on LIS doctoral education, and in particular for PhD students who are interested in what their colleagues' PhD programmes look like around the world.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the seminar.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Kind regards
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a) |<>
University of Borås
Dear all,
The first ReSource PhD course is now open for registrations:
Information disorders, datafied information infrastructures, and source criticism, 5 + 2.5 credits
Course coordinator: Olof Sundin, Professor in Information Studies at Lund University
Course co-coordinator: Isto Huvila, Professor in Information Studies at Uppsala University
This course engages with contemporary information infrastructures and their conceptual foundations and relates them to current "information disorders" (e.g. so-called misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy narratives, influence operations). The course offers the opportunity to engage with theoretical perspectives on these issues as well as with critical perspectives on media and information literacy and source criticism. It provides an opportunity for reflection on how to conceptualise the growing datafication of all aspects of society and the implications of this for the social study of information.
The course runs at half speed and is divided into an introduction followed by five Zoom sessions. Each session focuses on a specific sub-topic and includes a lecture and a seminar. To receive 5 credits (the minimum requirement), participants should submit a short reflection paper in relation to each session and attend and participate in both the lectures and seminars. Preparation in the form of provided reading and self-selected literature is required for each session. To receive a further 2.5 credits, participants should write a final paper linking the course content to their own dissertation project.
The scheduled dates are as follows: 4. April (introduction), 11 April, 2 May, 16 May, 30 May and 13 June. All sessions will be held on Zoom from 13:15 to 16:00. The topics of the individual sessions as well as the course literature will be announced closer to the start of the course. For signing up for the course or questions, please contact Olof Sundin at Lund University (olof.sundin(a)<>) before 8 February.
For more information on the ReSource courses, please have a look at the website:…
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a) |<>
University of Borås
Dear all,
Welcome to the monthly Swedish LIS Doctoral Education Network Shut Up & Write session on Friday the 27th of October, at 1.15pm to 3pm, in this Zoom room:
The session is open to all of you, PhD students as well as senior researchers.
See you there!
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a) |<>
University of Borås
Good morning everyone,
Looking forward to seeing you at the international seminar this afternoon - everyone is welcome!
Kind regards,
Från: Anna Lundh
Skickat: den 11 oktober 2023 14:59
Till: boi-nationell.forskarskola(a)
Ämne: Zoom seminar next week: International Perspectives on Doctoral Education
Dear all,
Welcome to the first seminar in the ReSource international seminar series at 15.00-16.00, Thursday 19th October in the following Zoom room:
The seminar series is organised twice per semester together with the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS), Western University, Canada and the School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
This first seminar involves a panel discussion on what it means to be an LIS PhD student in different parts of the world. Paulette Rothbauer (Associate Professor at FIMS), Amber Matthews (PhD student at FIMS), Joacim Hansson (Professor at Linnaeus University), and Amalia Juneström (Senior Lecturer at Uppsala University who successfully defended her PhD thesis last year) will discuss the similarities and differences between LIS PhD programmes in Sweden and Canada. The seminar is relevant for anyone interested in international perspectives on LIS doctoral education, and in particular for PhD students who are interested in what their colleagues' PhD programmes look like around the world.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the seminar.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a)<> |<>
University of Borås
Dear all doctoral students,
Please note that today is the last day to register for the Writing Retreat. All details below.
Kind regards,
Från: Anna Lundh
Skickat: den 11 oktober 2023 10:54
Till: boi-nationell.forskarskola(a)
Ämne: To all doctoral students: Welcome to the Writing Retreat 7-9 November
Dear all doctoral students,
Welcome to Swedish LIS Doctoral Education Network Writing Retreat on the 7-9 November.
The Writing Retreat will take place at Varbergs Kusthotell ( The retreat will give ample of time for writing, but it will also offer networking opportunities, a workshop on referencing, and some time for recreation and fun. You can see a preliminary schedule below.
The Writing Retreat has been made possible through the support of the Swedish Library Association and is open to all LIS doctoral students in Sweden.
Please register for the retreat through this form no later than 17 October:…
Please indicate when you will arrive - the programme starts at 8.30 on the 8 November, so you have the option to arrive the night before and have dinner together. Please also indicate if you want to participate in one of the recreational activities and if you have any dietary requirements.
Travel arrangements should be made as soon as you have registered. Doctoral students at the University of Borås (including Linnaeus) are asked to organise their travel through Via Egencia. Doctoral students from Uppsala, Södertörn, Lund, and Umeå, please contact Anette Trennedal anette.trennedal(a)<> to organise your travel to and from Varberg.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the retreat.
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a)<> |<>
University of Borås
Preliminary programme for the Swedish LIS Doctoral School Network Writing Retreat
Tuesday 7 November
19.00 Joint dinner
Wednesday 8 November
8.30-10.00 Introduction to the Writing Retreat and introduction of all participants (session led by Anna Lundh)
10.00-10.15 Morning fika
10.15-11.45 Shut Up & Write (session led by Anna Lundh)
11.45-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Shut Up & Write (session led by Anna Lundh)
14.30-14.45 Afternoon fika
14.45-15.45 Responsible and proficient referencing in academic text. Workshop with Björn Hammarfelt
16.30-18.30 Optional activities:
Spend time at the hotel spa or
join a guided tour of the historical surroundings
19.00 Joint dinner
Thursday 9 November
8.30-10.00 Shut Up & Write (session led by Anna Lundh)
10-10.15 Morning fika
10.15-11.45 Doctoral student meeting
11.45-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Shut Up & Write (session led by Anna Lundh)
14.30 Final fika and farewells
Dear all,
Welcome to the first seminar in the ReSource international seminar series at 15.00-16.00, Thursday 19th October in the following Zoom room:
The seminar series is organised twice per semester together with the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS), Western University, Canada and the School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
This first seminar involves a panel discussion on what it means to be an LIS PhD student in different parts of the world. Paulette Rothbauer (Associate Professor at FIMS), Amber Matthews (PhD student at FIMS), Joacim Hansson (Professor at Linnaeus University), and Amalia Juneström (Senior Lecturer at Uppsala University who successfully defended her PhD thesis last year) will discuss the similarities and differences between LIS PhD programmes in Sweden and Canada. The seminar is relevant for anyone interested in international perspectives on LIS doctoral education, and in particular for PhD students who are interested in what their colleagues' PhD programmes look like around the world.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the seminar.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a) |<>
University of Borås
Dear all doctoral students,
Welcome to Swedish LIS Doctoral Education Network Writing Retreat on the 7-9 November.
The Writing Retreat will take place at Varbergs Kusthotell ( The retreat will give ample of time for writing, but it will also offer networking opportunities, a workshop on referencing, and some time for recreation and fun. You can see a preliminary schedule below.
The Writing Retreat has been made possible through the support of the Swedish Library Association and is open to all LIS doctoral students in Sweden.
Please register for the retreat through this form no later than 17 October:…
Please indicate when you will arrive - the programme starts at 8.30 on the 8 November, so you have the option to arrive the night before and have dinner together. Please also indicate if you want to participate in one of the recreational activities and if you have any dietary requirements.
Travel arrangements should be made as soon as you have registered. Doctoral students at the University of Borås (including Linnaeus) are asked to organise their travel through Via Egencia. Doctoral students from Uppsala, Södertörn, Lund, and Umeå, please contact Anette Trennedal anette.trennedal(a)<> to organise your travel to and from Varberg.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the retreat.
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a) |<>
University of Borås
Preliminary programme for the Swedish LIS Doctoral School Network Writing Retreat
Tuesday 7 November
19.00 Joint dinner
Wednesday 8 November
8.30-10.00 Introduction to the Writing Retreat and introduction of all participants (session led by Anna Lundh)
10.00-10.15 Morning fika
10.15-11.45 Shut Up & Write (session led by Anna Lundh)
11.45-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Shut Up & Write (session led by Anna Lundh)
14.30-14.45 Afternoon fika
14.45-15.45 Responsible and proficient referencing in academic text. Workshop with Björn Hammarfelt
16.30-18.30 Optional activities:
Spend time at the hotel spa or
join a guided tour of the historical surroundings
19.00 Joint dinner
Thursday 9 November
8.30-10.00 Shut Up & Write (session led by Anna Lundh)
10-10.15 Morning fika
10.15-11.45 Doctoral student meeting
11.45-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Shut Up & Write (session led by Anna Lundh)
14.30 Final fika and farewells
Dear all,
Welcome to the Swedish LIS Doctoral Education Network Shut Up & Write on Friday the 6th of October, at 1.15pm to 3pm, in this Zoom room: The session is open to all of you!
Also, please have a look at the newly updated ReSource pages to get an overview of the activities planned for this academic year:… The international seminar, the writing retreat, the Annual Swedish PhD Workshop in Information Studies, and the courses are open to all LIS PhD students in Sweden. Information on how to register etc. will be sent out on this list closer to the events.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding any of the above. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday.
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a) |<>
University of Borås