(Sorry for the Swedish, I thought this was a Swedish list.)
Thank you! The rules worked fine after adding them as PSCustomObjects (and fixing a few of
my mistakes).
We are using adfstk version 2.2.1.
Do the help files need to be installed separatly (to get the get-help
get-ADFSTkLocalManualSPSettings -Examples command working)?
And I assume that the path
c:\ADFSToolkit\<version>\config\get-ADFSTkLocalManualSPSettings.ps1 in the comments
in the file refers to C:\Program
Best regards,
Från: Johan Peterson <johan.peterson(a)liu.se>
Skickat: den 4 oktober 2023 16:49
Till: Tobias Galéus <tobias.galeus(a)gu.se>; adfstoolkit-users(a)lists.sunet.se
Ämne: RE: get-ADFSTkLocalManualSpSettings.ps1 (för Egencia i SWAMID)
Hi Tobias,
I’ll continue in English due to English speaking list members. 😊
What version of ADFSToolkit do you have?
The value of your rule needs to be a PSCustomObject. Something like this:
$TransformRules."CompanyID" = [PSCustomObject]@{
@RuleName = "Send CompanyID"
=> issue(Type = "company_id", Value = "55080");
If you want it in OID format you must also include the OID for CompanyID and a propery:
$TransformRules."CompanyID" = [PSCustomObject]@{
@RuleName = "Send CompanyID"
=> issue(Type = "urn:oid:…", Value = "55080",
Properties[http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claimproperties/a… =
Don’t forget to restart PowerShell after you have edited LocalManualSettings (or run
Remove-ADFSTkCache -FullMemoryCache)!
It’s cached to speed up the main process…
Best regards
Johan Peterson
Digitalisation Division
s-581 83 Linköping
Phone: +46 (0)13-28 57 30
Mobile: +46 (0)703 222 405
Visiting address: D-Building
Please visit us at liu.se
E-mailing Linköping University will result in Linköping University processing your
personal data. Find more information on how this is done at
From: Tobias Galéus <tobias.galeus(a)gu.se>
Sent: den 4 oktober 2023 15:22
To: adfstoolkit-users(a)lists.sunet.se
Subject: [Adfstoolkit-users] get-ADFSTkLocalManualSpSettings.ps1 (för Egencia i SWAMID)
Jag försöker göra en anpassad attributrelease till Egencia som finns med i SWAMID. I
c:\adfstoolkit\config\institution\get-ADFSTkLocalManualSpSettings.ps1 har jag lagt till
$TransformRules = [Ordered]@{}
$TransformRules."CompanyID" = @"
=> issue(Type = "company_id", Value = "55080");
$IssuanceTransformRuleManualSP[https://www.egencia.com/auth/v1] = $TransformRules
(Lite förkortat)
Men det verkar inte bita när jag uppdaterar SPn i AD FS. I filen
get-ADFSTkLocalManualSpSettings.ps1 hänvisar man till en sökväg som inte finns i någon av
våra installationer:
# This file exists as a template in the Module with a runtime instance in:
# c:\ADFSToolkit\<version>\config\get-ADFSTkLocalManualSPSettings.ps1
Vi saknar version i sökvägen, men tar man bort det så stämmer den ju.
Det står också att man ska kunna få mer hjälp med följande kommando
# To see examples invoke Powershell get-help:
# get-help get-ADFSTkLocalManualSPSettings -Examples
To see example code blocks invoke detailed help by: get-help
get-ADFSTkManualSPSettings -Detailed
Men det fungerar inte på våra installationer:
get-help get-ADFSTkLocalManualSPSettings -Examples
get-help : Get-Help could not find get-ADFSTkLocalManualSPSettings in a help file in this
session. To download updated help topics type: "Update-Help". To get help
e, search for the help topic in the TechNet library at
Vad gör jag för fel?
Mvh Tobias Galéus
Göteborgs universitet