Dear new and old network members,
I have decided to move next week's Shut Up & Write to the week after, as my suspicion is that many of you will be in Gothenburg next Friday.
So welcome to the Swedish LIS Doctoral Education Network Shut Up & Write on the 6th of October, at 1.15pm. I will send out a reminder and the link closer to the event.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Kind regards,
Anna Lundh | Associate Professor
Coordinator for the research school ReSource
The Swedish School of Library and Information Science | University of Borås
Allégatan 1 | 501 90 Borås | Sweden
+46 (0)33-435 59 91
anna.lundh(a) |<>
University of Borås
The editorial board of the e-journal Tidskrift for ABM are happy to announce that the call is open for submissions to this year´s issue of Tidskrift för ABM!
At the Department of ALM at Uppsala University, we publish a e-journal called Tidskrift för ABM. We welcome submissions from students, doctoral students and others working in the fields of Digital Humanities, Archival studies, (Library and) Information studies and Museology/Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies. We accept articles, reviews, notes and travelogues to the journal. We accept texts in both Swedish and English.
See the Call for paper here<…> or at the Tidskrift för ABM site<>. The call will be closed on October 1st.
Read more about the journal and find author guidelines at the journal site:
Have a look at the previous issues on the Department of ALM's page for the journal: .
Any questions can be directed to the editor for this year's issue, Zanna Friberg at zanna.friberg(a)<> .
Please spread the call to others that might be interested, particularly previous masters students interested in publishing an article based on their thesis work.
Med vänligaste hälsningar
Zanna Friberg
PhD Student
Department of ALM | Institutionen för ABM
Uppsala University | Uppsala universitet
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