Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8106
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Emergency Hardware Maintenance
Ticket Scope :
Ticket Opened : 20220913 15:01 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Maint. win. Start : 20220913 19:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20220913 20:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 60.0 min
Affected organisations:
* NORDUnet, SUNET, Uninett
* SUNET will re-calibrate RAMAN amplification on the fiber
stretch between GLV1 (Gällivare) and JKK1 (Jokkmokk).
* Following services are affected:
SU-S002102: IP Backbone, kir3-r2 - lla1-r2
SU-S002103: IP Backbone, kir3-r2 - fln4-r1
SU-S003642 - KIR5-TUG (Nordunet no-nvk <-> se-tug)
SU-S003718 - AW Narvik - Oslo
SU-S003716 - AW Trondheim - Narvik
Reduced redundancy for affected organisations.
* 20220913 19:18 UTC
Maintenance started.
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