Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8048
Ticket Type : Unscheduled
Ticket Status : Open
Ticket Summary : Link down HIM - LBA
Ticket Scope :
Ticket Opened : 20220804 17:42 UTC
Ticket Closed :
Problem Start : 20220804 17:32 UTC
Problem End :
Affected organisations:
* SUNET, ORU, Netnod
* Fiber break between Himmeta and Ãrebro
* Following services were affected:
SU-S002115: SUNET Backbone lba-r1 - fsn2-r1
SU-S002325: SUNET Backbone oru-r2 - fsn2-r1
SU-S003060: IP to ORU2
SU-S003658: Wave for Netnod "dwdm1-stc.sth.netnod.se" to
SU-S003693: Wave for Netnod "dwdm1-stc.sth.netnod.se" to
SU-S003713: AW Netnod STC - LLA1
SU-S003818: AW Netnod STHB - MCEN1
* 20220804 17:56 UTC
Escalated to provider
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