Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8161
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Closed
Ticket Summary : Planned Router Maintenance
Ticket Scope : Hardware
Ticket Opened : 20221006 13:11 UTC
Ticket Closed : 20221006 16:37 UTC
Maint. win. Start : 20221006 16:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20221006 17:00 UTC
Estimated outage : 15.0 min
Affected organisations:
* SUNET will perform an upgrade to new software release on
vas-c1, vas-c2, kis-c1 and lnd-c1
* The following services will be affected:
SU-S003754 Link to customer RISE CPE vst-c1
SU-S003755 IP-VPN customer connection RISE Jonasborgsvägen
26, Västerås
SU-S003772 Link to customer RISE CPE vst-c2. Stora Gatan 36,
SU-S003773 IP-VPN customer connection. Customer RISE Stora
Gatan 36, Västerås
SU-S003768 Link to customer RISE CPE kis-c1
SU-S003751 IP-VPN customer connection. Customer RISE
Isafjordsgatan 22 Kista
SU-S003784 IP service, RISE Isafjordsgatan 22.
SU-S003769 Link to customer RISE CPE lnd-c1
SU-S003774 IP-VPN customer connection. RISE Scheelevägen
17, Lund
Reduced redundancy for RISE.
Final ticket report:
* vst-c1, vst-c2, kis-c1 and lnd-c1 was upgraded to a new
software release.
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