Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8184
Ticket Type : Unscheduled
Ticket Status : Closed
Ticket Summary : Link down MEL - TRH
Ticket Scope : Link
Ticket Opened : 20221013 6:53 UTC
Ticket Closed : 20221018 13:02 UTC
Problem Start : 20221013 6:02 UTC
Problem End : 20221013 12:43 UTC
Affected organisations:
* SUNET, KAU, Netnod
* We lost optical between the TRH and MEL
* The following services was impacted:
SU-S003818 - AW Netnod STHB - MCEN1
SU-S003033 - IP to KAU2
SU-S002331 - Backbone kau-r2 - trh-r1
SU-S002119 - Backbone kar1-r1 - trh-r1
* 20221013 7:05 UTC
Services are restored, asked provider for an RFO
* 20221013 9:17 UTC
Services is down again. Problem has been escalated to
* 20221013 9:51 UTC
Provider confirms that there is a fiber outage in
* 20221013 12:25 UTC
Update from Provider:
The fiber break is considered major and the sub-provider is
working on it. ETR as of now is 15.00 UTC
* 20221013 14:27 UTC
Link is up since 12:43 UTC.
Final ticket report:
* Fiber outage in between TRH and MEL. Fiber was spliced twice
because first splicing was not correct. Link is restored.
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