Ticket Number : SUNETTICKET-8193
Ticket Type : Scheduled
Ticket Status : Closed
Ticket Summary : Planned Maintenance - RISE
Ticket Scope :
Ticket Opened : 20221017 11:01 UTC
Ticket Closed : 20221024 5:21 UTC
Maint. win. Start : 20221021 16:00 UTC
Maint. win. End : 20221023 14:00 UTC
Estimated outage :
Affected organisations:
* RISE kommer att utföra ställverksservice på RISE
Drottning Kristinas väg, Stockholm.
* Affected services:
SU-S003770 Link to customer RISE CPE sth-c1.
SU-S003752 (IP-VPN)
SU-S003782 (Internet)
SU-S003771 - Link to customer RISE CPE sth-c2.
SU-S003753 (IP-VPN)
SU-S003783 (Internet)
Final ticket report:
* RISE carried out power maintenance at RISE Drottning
Kristinas väg 61.
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