LundOnline 2022 – Beyond the transformation
We hope you have had a wonderful summer! Our registration for LundOnline is open and we hope you have signed up already, but if not - now is the perfect time to secure your place at LundOnline. The program is getting ready, keep an eye on our website for updates:
About the conference
LundOnline is a two-day conference arranged by Lund University Libraries, aimed at college and university librarians from the Nordic countries and invited publishers and will take place on the 9th to 10th of November at AF-borgen<> in the centre of Lund. The conference is sponsored by publishers and free of charge for participants.
Register your participation here:
Come join us to discuss the future of scientific publishing!
We look forward to seeing you all in Lund,
Ruth Asdisardottir, on behalf of the LundOnline Conference Committee
LundOnline Conference Committee:
Aprile Clark<> Librarian at Faculty of Medicine
Johanna Tagesson<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Jon Eriksen<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Karolina Lindh<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Magnus Annemark<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Mikaela von Horn<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Ruth Asdisardottir<> Librarian at Department of Library Services
Ulrika Karlsson<> Librarian at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
We hope you have had a wonderful summer!
Our registration for LundOnline is open and we hope you have signed up already, but if not - now is the perfect time to secure your place at LundOnline!
The program is getting ready, keep an eye on our website for updates:
About the conference
LundOnline is a two-day conference arranged by Lund University Libraries, aimed at college and university librarians from the Nordic countries and invited publishers and will take place on the 9th to 10th of November at AF-borgen<> in the centre of Lund. The conference is sponsored by publishers and free of charge for participants.
Register your participation here:
Come join us to discuss the future of scientific publishing!
We look forward to seeing you all in Lund,
Ruth Asdisardottir, on behalf of the LundOnline Conference Committee
LundOnline Conference Committee:
Aprile Clark<> Librarian at Faculty of Medicine
Johanna Tagesson<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Jon Eriksen<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Karolina Lindh<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Magnus Annemark<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Mikaela von Horn<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Ruth Asdisardottir<> Librarian at Department of Library Services
Ulrika Karlsson<> Librarian at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
LundOnline 2022
– Beyond the transformation –
We are pleased to announce that the registration for LundOnline has opened!
LundOnline is a two-day conference arranged by Lund University Libraries, aimed at college and university librarians from the Nordic countries and invited publishers and will take place on the 9th to 10th of November at AF-borgen<> in the centre of Lund. The conference is sponsored by publishers and free of charge for participants.
Register your participation here:
The theme
Transformative agreements have become the most common type of agreements between university library consortia and publishers. Though these deals have increased the amount of Open Access journal articles it is still considered, as the name suggests, to be a process towards something else. This year’s program will address changes in the scholarly communication landscape, specifically looking ahead at what lies beyond the transformative agreements. In terms of transforming the publishing landscape towards Open Access, what is achieved by the Read & Publish agreements?
* What can stakeholders in scholarly publishing do to further this transformation? Are there alternatives to the transformative model?
* How can publishers accommodate to different funder requirements?
* How do Open Access publishing models harmonize with research funders’ requirements?
* How are researchers’ publishing strategies affected by the changing publishing landscape?
LundOnline will be an opportunity for scholarly communication stakeholders to meet, discuss and present their views on current challenges related to publishing and scholarly communication. The aim of the conference is to be a forum for networking, and this year’s program will focus on interactivity and dialogue.
More information about the conference:
Come join us to discuss the future of scientific publishing!
We look forward to seeing you all in Lund,
Johanna Tagesson on behalf of the LundOnline Conference Committee
LundOnline Conference Committee:
Aprile Clark<> Librarian at Faculty of Medicine
Johanna Tagesson<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Jon Eriksen<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Karolina Lindh<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Magnus Annemark<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Mikaela von Horn<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Ruth Asdisardottir<> Librarian at Department of Library Services
Ulrika Karlsson<> Librarian at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
Sent on behalf of Johanna Tagesson @Johanna Tagesson<>
Apologies for cross-posting
LundOnline 2022
– Beyond the transformation –
We are pleased to announce that the registration for LundOnline has opened!
LundOnline is a two-day conference arranged by Lund University Libraries, aimed at college and university librarians from the Nordic countries and invited publishers and will take place on the 9th to 10th of November at AF-borgen<> in the centre of Lund. The conference is sponsored by publishers and free of charge for participants.
Register your participation here:
The theme
Transformative agreements have become the most common type of agreements between university library consortia and publishers. Though these deals have increased the amount of Open Access journal articles it is still considered, as the name suggests, to be a process towards something else. This year’s program will address changes in the scholarly communication landscape, specifically looking ahead at what lies beyond the transformative agreements. In terms of transforming the publishing landscape towards Open Access, what is achieved by the Read & Publish agreements?
* What can stakeholders in scholarly publishing do to further this transformation? Are there alternatives to the transformative model?
* How can publishers accommodate to different funder requirements?
* How do Open Access publishing models harmonize with research funders’ requirements?
* How are researchers’ publishing strategies affected by the changing publishing landscape?
LundOnline will be an opportunity for scholarly communication stakeholders to meet, discuss and present their views on current challenges related to publishing and scholarly communication. The aim of the conference is to be a forum for networking, and this year’s program will focus on interactivity and dialogue.
More information about the conference:
Come join us to discuss the future of scientific publishing!
We look forward to seeing you all in Lund,
Johanna Tagesson on behalf of the LundOnline Conference Committee
LundOnline Conference Committee:
Aprile Clark<> Librarian at Faculty of Medicine
Johanna Tagesson<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Jon Eriksen<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Karolina Lindh<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Magnus Annemark<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Mikaela von Horn<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Ruth Asdisardottir<> Librarian at Department of Library Services
Ulrika Karlsson<> Librarian at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
LundOnline 2022
– Beyond the transformation –
We are pleased to announce that the registration for LundOnline has opened!
LundOnline is a two-day conference arranged by Lund University Libraries, aimed at college and university librarians from the Nordic countries and invited publishers and will take place on the 9th to 10th of November at AF-borgen<> in the centre of Lund. The conference is sponsored by publishers and free of charge for participants.
Register your participation here:
The theme
Transformative agreements have become the most common type of agreements between university library consortia and publishers. Though these deals have increased the amount of Open Access journal articles it is still considered, as the name suggests, to be a process towards something else. This year’s program will address changes in the scholarly communication landscape, specifically looking ahead at what lies beyond the transformative agreements. In terms of transforming the publishing landscape towards Open Access, what is achieved by the Read & Publish agreements?
* What can stakeholders in scholarly publishing do to further this transformation? Are there alternatives to the transformative model?
* How can publishers accommodate to different funder requirements?
* How do Open Access publishing models harmonize with research funders’ requirements?
* How are researchers’ publishing strategies affected by the changing publishing landscape?
LundOnline will be an opportunity for scholarly communication stakeholders to meet, discuss and present their views on current challenges related to publishing and scholarly communication. The aim of the conference is to be a forum for networking, and this year’s program will focus on interactivity and dialogue.
More information about the conference:
Come join us to discuss the future of scientific publishing!
We look forward to seeing you all in Lund,
Johanna Tagesson on behalf of the LundOnline Conference Committee
LundOnline Conference Committee:
Aprile Clark<> Librarian at Faculty of Medicine
Johanna Tagesson<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Jon Eriksen<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Karolina Lindh<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Magnus Annemark<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Mikaela von Horn<> Librarian at Department of Scholarly Communication at Lund University Library
Ruth Asdisardottir<> Librarian at Department of Library Services
Ulrika Karlsson<> Librarian at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
Hej alla!
Bara några dagar kvar nu. Vår agenda ser ut såhär:
· "Öppen tillgång vid Malmö universitet - en genomgång av publikationer 2020 utifrån typ av OA"
o MAU, presentation + diskussion 20 min + 10 min
· Har någon en bra lösning/idé kring fördelning av publiceringskostnaderna i de transformativa avtalen eller i alla fall diskutera frågan.
o Linné, diskussion ?? minuter
· Vad för inverkan har open access/open science på frågor av mer forskningsetisk art för er? Får ni frågor som rör t.ex. författarskap, peer-review, contributorship eller dyl.? Hur jobbar ni i så fall med dessa saker?
o SLU, diskussion ?? minuter
· Jobbar ni med, eller har kännedom om, några av följande tjänster? F1000, Peerage of Science, Peer Community In, Publons, annat?
o SLU, diskussion ?? minuter
· Övrigt?
P.S. Påminnelse om mötesdetaljer:
Fredagen den 26e november, kl 9-12.
Plats: Zoom
Meeting ID: 658 0132 9611
Passcode: 733033
Allt gott,
När du skickar e-post till SLU så innebär detta att SLU behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur detta går till, klicka här <>
E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here <>
Hej alla!
LOA-syds höstmöte är ca 20 dagar bort. Än så länge har det inte kommit in några förslag på agendapunkter. Vad vill ni prata om eller visa?
Vi har två frågor vi funderar på här hos oss på SLU:
· Vad för inverkan har open access/open science på frågor av mer forskningsetisk art för er? Får ni frågor som rör t.ex. författarskap, peer-review, contributorship eller dyl.? Hur jobbar ni i så fall med dessa saker?
· Jobbar ni med, eller har kännedom om, några av följande tjänster? F1000, Peerage of Science, Peer Community In, Publons, annat?
Allt gott,
Daniel, SLU
P.S. Påminnelse om mötesdetaljer:
Fredagen den 26e november, kl 9-12.
Plats: Zoom
Meeting ID: 658 0132 9611
Passcode: 733033
När du skickar e-post till SLU så innebär detta att SLU behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur detta går till, klicka här <>
E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here <>
Hejsan allesammans!
Nu har det doodlats på friskt och datum och tid för nästa möte blir:
Fredagen den 26e november, kl 9-12.
Plats: Zoom
Meeting ID: 658 0132 9611
Passcode: 733033
Någon agenda finns i nuläget inte, så skicka gärna önskemål till mig. Det kan vara rena diskussionspunkter eller något som ditt lärosäte vill presentera.
Allt gott,
Daniel, SLU
P.S. Om någon undrar varför det inte blev ett av de tidigare datumen så hade jag råkat lägga in alternativ samtidigt som Munin-konferensen är, vilket sannolikt är en konferens flera av oss kommer delta i.
När du skickar e-post till SLU så innebär detta att SLU behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur detta går till, klicka här <>
E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here <>
Vidarebefordrar detta från Daniel som råkat skicka till bounce-adressen 😊
För att maila listan ska man maila loasyd at<mailto:loasyd at>, många (inklusive jag) får istället upp loasyd-bounces at<mailto:loasyd-bounces at> när de försöker maila listan och då går meddelandet tyärr inte fram…
Allt gott!
From: Daniel Albertsson <daniel.albertsson at>
Date: Monday, 20 September 2021 at 14:44
To: Loasyd <loasyd-bounces at>
Subject: Datumförslag för höstmöte
Hej alla!
Det börjar bli dags att spika ett datum för höstens LOA-syd-träff innan kalendrarna blir helt fulla. SLU står som värd. Vi kommer dock att köra Zoom även den här gången.
Fylla gärna i nedanstående Doodle så snart som möjligt. Idealiskt så spikar vi datum på fredag eller tidigt nästa vecka (skriv gärna organisationstillhörighet efter namnet):
Har ni redan nu punkter att tillföra agendan kan ni skicka det direkt till mig.
Allt gott,
Daniel, SLU
När du skickar e-post till SLU så innebär detta att SLU behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur detta går till, klicka här <>
E-mailing SLU will result in SLU processing your personal data. For more information on how this is done, click here <>
Hej! Här kommer anteckningar från vårt möte i förra veckan. Varmt tack till Linda Karlsson som skrev så utförliga anteckningar.
Nästa gång är det SLU som är värdar för mötet. Det blir spännande att se om det blir i digital form eller på plats i ett höstligt Alnarp :)
Tack för allas bidrag på mötet, det var givande och trevligt att ses!
Bästa hälsningar Helena & malmökollegorna
Helena Stjernberg Tagesson
Malmö universitetsbibliotek
Medier & vetenskaplig publicering
Telefon: +46 40 665 79 39