Dear all,
I agree with Nasrin – thanks for this clear write up. Maybe you could add “in parallel” in
this sentence “Two, rather than three or four sessions in parallel” to further clarify it,
but the sentence after is also enough.
All the best,
Från: Nasrin Mostofian <nasrin.mostofian(a)>
Datum: lördag, 22 april 2023 22:23
Till: Zanna Friberg <zanna.friberg(a)>, lis.doktorander(a)
Ämne: [Lis.doktorander] Re: Spring doctoral meeting 2023
Dear Zanna,
Thanks very much for this, seems to me that you have covered everything we talked about.
Have a nice (rest of) weekend,
From: Zanna Friberg <zanna.friberg(a)>
Sent: 21 April 2023 08:33:23
To: lis.doktorander(a)
Subject: [Lis.doktorander] Spring doctoral meeting 2023
Below is my cleaned up notes from the doctoral meeting, which I just named spring doctoral
meeting… please have a look if you have time. If no one objects during the first couple of
days next week I will forward these points to Anna and the rest of the steering board on
For those not present at the meeting, please feel free to ask me for clarification of
things in the notes if needed.
For the rest of you, thank you for your time at the meeting, it was great seeing you!
Med vänliga hälsningar
Spring doctoral meeting 2023-04-20
The doctoral representative(s)
Zanna will put together a description of the position and make sure each department will
compensate it. We would like to circulate the responsibility yearly. Interested parties,
not from Uppsala, can contact Zanna and will take it from there this year. In the future,
we will ask the doctoral students at the department that is up to decide amongst
themselves who will be the representative.
Desk exchange
Zanna will check if it would be possible for one PhD student at each location to get
compensation for pulling together some information about possible resources to use to
finance and plan a desk exchange.
In general, it is brilliant to see other people’s work, different subjects, and
progression levels. It is also so nice to get to see people in person. Somehow, even
though it was still a lunch-to-lunch, it did not feel as packed as last year.
However, we would still like to suggest a longer workshop of 2 days. To allow for:
* Two, rather than three or four session. We would really like to be able to attend
more of the others’ session, both to discuss their work and because the feedback others
get can be very informative for our own work as well.
* An extension of the doctoral meeting, which we would like to make permanent part of
the program, to 1.5 h. We would also like to, collaboratively among us PhD students, set
an agenda for the meeting in advance.
We are aware that some senior researcher already are not attending for both days and we
discussed the pros and cons of having one day just for PhD students. We also discussed the
idea of bringing back PhD commentators on texts but we want to emphasize that we want to
keep the opportunity to get feedback from senior researchers.
Additionally there was feedback on some things that could be more clearly communicated
next time:
* That it is good to read other PhD students’ texts
* Length of texts, format, cover paper etc.
* Communicating changes in the schedule and time table more clearly
Finally, in regards to the workshop we discussed ways to make it easier for us to have a
good text for the seminar ready for the deadline. Mainly not leaving the announcement of
the deadline too late and maybe even having a set deadline that is more or less the same
every year even if the workshop itself is not on exactly the same dates.
Shut up and write / write session
Possibly, it would be more useful if the sessions allowed for more discussion and was more
focused on keeping up with each other than just being an opportunity to sit and write.
This could be done by 1) making the break in-between sessions longer 2) having shorter
writing sessions and more breaks or 3) adding an “open office hour” before or after the
whole thing for those who would just like to check in and talk to others about what they
are working on at the moment.
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