Hej allihop!
The writing retreat is coming up soon and as before we will have a doctoral student meeting where we have the opportunity to discuss issues and ideas in regards to us as a national group of doctoral students.
In previous meetings we have discussed that it would be good to be able to submit things to an agenda for the meeting in advance, please reply to this email or email me privately if you want me to add something to the agenda. So far I have only two points of discussion for the meeting:
1. Me informing you about what's been going on in the steering group for the national collaboration (where I represent us)
2. Electing a person to replace me as a representative to the steering group (see below for some additional info about this)
Election of doctoral representative to the steering group
As discussed in the meeting this past autumn, I´ve been on the board for more than a year now and need to step down to focus on other things. Note that this is a representative position from the doctoral students that are not in the Resource Doctoral School. You guys in Resource will have a representative amongst yourselves in accordance with the stipulations of the grant from Vetenskapsrådet.
Being a representative to steering board is a good opportunity to get a sense of the national research environment in BOI, it is a good experience to put on your resumé. The steering board meets on zoom about once per term but it could be a bit more if things come up. It has been more meetings this years since we first worked on the application for the Resource Doctoral School and then collaborated around the recruitment of the Resource doctoral students.
Last time we agreed that if no one volunteered, we would rotate the responsibility of choosing a representative between the different departments. The rotating schedule used for hosting the annual workshop is 1) Borås, 2) Uppsala, 3) Umeå, 4) Lund and I would suggest we use the same one. That would mean that Umeå is next, but since there is not that many doctoral students in Umeå, maybe we could do Umeå and Lund?
I'm not sure how to go about electing someone but please think about if you are interested in the position in preparation for the meeting (especially if you are a doctoral student in Umeå or Lund). If you are interested but will not be at the meeting please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing you again soon
Best wishes
Zanna Friberg
PhD Student
Department of ALM | Institutionen för ABM
Uppsala University | Uppsala universitet
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