the rektor of Södertorn University has received a letter form Childx organization complaining about the title of the conference I am organizing in May. They attack the use of sex work as contributing to harms of women selling sex.
This is a citation form the letter:
Begreppet sex worker (sexarbetare) har etablerats av sexindustrin och senare fått fäste inom vissa akademiska och aktivistiska kretsar, och är en term som rymmer normativa implikationer. Termen kan ge intrycket av att prostitution är ett arbete jämställt med andra yrken, trots att svensk lag och policy – genom sexköpslagen och den abolitionistiska hållningen – tydligt markerar att prostitution inte ska betraktas som legitimt arbete utan som en form av exploatering och våld.
My supervisor supports me but I have to prepare a very well formulated response. You have definitely more knowledge about how the Swedish context work, do you have any ideas how to best address it?
Good morning, everyone!
I would like to follow up on the option of having our meeting at RFSL
Stockholm before the conference, which takes place on May 15-16.
Looking at our booking calendar, I see that all spaces are occupied on
Wednesday, May 14, until 20:00. However, Tuesday is fully available
throughout the day. That said, I’m not sure how many of you traveling to
Stockholm will arrive two days before the conference.
It would also be helpful to know who will be attending in person and
whether some participants would prefer to join the pre-conference meeting
Ines Anttila
Sociologist / MSc Gender Studies
LinkedIn: Ines Anttila
Dear all,
Wednesday the 22nd of January (at 12) we will meet on zoom to discuss FOSME-attendance at the conference in May, and FOSME-plans for Spring.
I attach three abstracts and one panel proposal. Great if you have time to read before the meeting so that we can give the authors constructive feedback.
See you Wednesday!
Best regards
Dear All,
Maybe you would be interested in the I am organizing next week in Oslo. It is about legal mobilizations in the context of abortion and sex work.
All the best
An in person research seminar "The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Using Legal Strategies for Rights Movements."
Date: 14.02.2025 📍 Location: Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law (IKRS), Universitetet i Oslo (UiO)
Social movements are increasingly turning to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) when national forums ignore their claims. This open seminar will discuss recent examples of such cases in the area of gender and sexuality, providing empirical and theoretical insights into the strategic use of the law.
* Agnieszka Kubal, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, UK
* Marjan Wijers, independent researcher & consultant, member of the Board of SekswerkExpertise
* Karolina Kocemba, University of Wrocław, Poland
* Anna Ratecka, Södertörn University, Sweden
* May-Len Skilbrei, University of Oslo
* My Rafstedt, University of Oslo
This seminar is open to everyone. Due to lunch reservations, we ask that you register by 7 February
More details:…
Registration link:
School of Social Work
Alfred Nobels Allé 7, Flemingsberg
141 89 Huddinge
08 608 40 00
I would be happy to help, but unfortunately I will not be able to help because I end my contract in October and I do not know if I will be in Stockholm in November.
From: Petra Östergren <petraostergren(a)>
Sent: 04 February 2025 10:52
To: ramona.brinkmann(a) <ramona.brinkmann(a)>; anke.gaussmann(a) <anke.gaussmann(a)>; Anna Ratecka <anna.ratecka(a)>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Mobility to Stockholm
Hello again Ramona,
I just realized Anna Ratecka who is currently at Södertörn University in Social Work studies might also be a possible contact. She and Ines know of each other.
I know Anna is rather busy at the moment though.
Best of luck
3 feb. 2025 kl. 11:11 skrev Petra Östergren <petraostergren(a)>:
Dear Ramona,
I am forwarding these e-mails to Ines Anttila, currently working at the NGO RFSL.
Perhaps she can help you. Other than Ines, I do not have any contacts in Stockholm.
Best of luck
(Ines, see e-mail further down)
Vidarebefordrat mejl:
Från: "ramona.brinkmann(a)<>" <ramona.brinkmann(a)<>>
Ämne: AW: [EXTERNAL] Mobility to Stockholm
Datum: 31 januari 2025 06:33:43 CET
Till: 'Petra Östergren' <petraostergren(a)<>>
Kopia: "anke.gaussmann(a)<>" <anke.gaussmann(a)<>>
Dear Petra,
we would be very grateful if you could put us in contact with someone who is involved in our subject area. Preferably someone from the city of Stockholm, university or an NGO.
Unfortunately, there is no funding for this, as this is a European exchange. Specifically, we would have to meet the institution/organization on our first day and then again briefly on the last day to complete the formalities (a signature). We would also be very happy about a return visit to Frankfurt am Main.
Best regards and have a nice weekend.
Anke and Ramona
Im Auftrag
Stadt Frankfurt am Main
- Der Magistrat -
53.4. Medizinische Dienste, Beratung und Humanitäre Sprechstunden
53.43. ProstSchG-Beratung
Ramona Brinkmann
Breite Gasse 28
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: 069 212 43266
E-Mail: ramona.brinkmann(a)<>
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Von: Petra Östergren <petraostergren(a)<>>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2025 07:51
An: Brinkmann, Ramona <ramona.brinkmann(a)<>>
Betreff: Re: [EXTERNAL] Mobility to Stockholm
Achtung! Diese E-Mail stammt von einer externen Adresse. Eingebettete Links und Anhänge können ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen. Deshalb sollten Sie nur dann auf Links in der Mail klicken bzw. Anhänge herunterladen/öffnen, wenn Ihnen diese externe Adresse bekannt ist.
Dear Ramona
I am afraid I do not know of any scholars in a University in Stockholm that can help you.
Perhaps I can put you in contact with someone that has the expertise you require, and have academic background but work in an NGO.
Just a question - is there funding for the person/institution that will be the host, and if so, how much?
Petra Östergren PhD
Writer and Social Anthropologist
Östergren, P (2024) Sweden’s Ban on Sex-Purchase. Morality politics and the governance of prostitution<…>
30 jan. 2025 kl. 06:55 skrev ramona.brinkmann(a)<>:
Dear Petra,
thank you for your reply and the contact details from Malmö and Gothenburg. Unfortunately, we will only be in Stockholm, so we would like to ask you if you could send us some contacts from Stockholm. We would be very grateful.
Thank you in advance for your time and help.
We wish you all the best and send you our regards from Frankfurt.
Anke Gaußmann and Ramona Brinkmann
Im Auftrag
Stadt Frankfurt am Main
- Der Magistrat -
53.4. Medizinische Dienste, Beratung und Humanitäre Sprechstunden
53.43. ProstSchG-Beratung
Ramona Brinkmann
Breite Gasse 28
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: 069 212 43266
E-Mail: ramona.brinkmann(a)<>
Hier klicken und vernetzen:
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Von: Petra Östergren <petraostergren(a)<>>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2025 07:54
An: Brinkmann, Ramona <ramona.brinkmann(a)<>>
Cc: Gaußmann, Anke <anke.gaussmann(a)<>>; Charlotta Holmström <charlotta.holmstrom(a)<>>; Ylva Grönvall <ylva.gronvall(a)<>>; Annelie De Cabo Y Moreda <annelie.decabo(a)<>>; Anna Hall <anna.hall(a)<>>; Narola Olsson <narola.olsson(a)<>>; Jenny Kronman <jenny.kronman(a)<>>
Betreff: [EXTERNAL] Re: Mobility to Stockholm
Achtung! Diese E-Mail stammt von einer externen Adresse. Eingebettete Links und Anhänge können ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen. Deshalb sollten Sie nur dann auf Links in der Mail klicken bzw. Anhänge herunterladen/öffnen, wenn Ihnen diese externe Adresse bekannt ist.
Dear Ramona
I am afraid I am unable to help as I currently does not hold a position at a university.
However, I suggest you contact some of my colleagues at Malmö or Gothenburg University, they are all scholars in social work.
CC:ing them here.
28 jan. 2025 kl. 09:13 skrev ramona.brinkmann(a)<>:
Dear Petra Östergren,
we are contacting you today to kindly ask for your support regarding an educational visit of eight colleagues from the Frankfurt am Main/Germany Health Department to Stockholm as part of an EU-funded Erasmus+ program dealing with anti-discrimination in the healthcare system and sexwork.
We, Anke Gaußmann and Ramona Brinkmann, have been working in the Department of Medical Services, Counselling and Humanitarian Consultations at the Frankfurt am Main Health Department for some time now.
Ms Gaußmann is a gynaecologist in the Gynaecological Humanitarian Consultation, where she provides anonymous and free care to patients without health insurance cover. Our patients include sex workers, pregnant women and anyone who lives in Frankfurt am Main and does not have health insurance. Many of our patients come from both the EU and third countries.
My name is Ramona Brinkmann, I am a social worker and I am responsible for the implementation of the Prostitute Protection Act, as part of which I provide health counselling. I am also a specialised instructor for social work students in cooperation with the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.
As is increasingly evident, discrimination is a significant barrier to accessing healthcare. Due to the current debates in which the voices in favour of implementation of the Nordic model are becoming louder and louder, it is unclear how prostitution policy will develop and what challenges our patients will face, but also how our activities will shift. We therefore aim to design and implement discrimination-sensitive training for healthcare staff, especially in the health authorities.
We have recently received accreditation for Erasmus+ funding (adult education) to provide our staff with professional development opportunities on key European topics. We receive EU funding for ‘mobilities’ (educational visits to other EU countries) which gives us the opportunity to visit different organisations.
We are now planning our trip to Stockholm in November 2025, ideally between 03 and 07 November. The focus will be on sex work, migration, racism and discrimination. We plan to visit various institutions and NGOs during our visit to learn more about their work and job shadowing. We would be very happy if you could be our host organisation for the mobility to Stockholm.
Being a host organisation under the Erasmus+ programme essentially means meeting us and giving us input about your activities at the university, as well as about the social and political situation in Sweden, and finally signing our learning and sharing agreements. Formal registration is not required.
We would be very grateful for your response. We would be happy to arrange a telephone appointment to discuss further details.
Kind regards
Anke Gaußmann and Ramona Brinkmann
Ramona Brinkmann
Im Auftrag
Stadt Frankfurt am Main
- Der Magistrat -
53.4. Medizinische Dienste, Beratung und Humanitäre Sprechstunden
53.43. ProstSchG-Beratung
Ramona Brinkmann
Breite Gasse 28
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: 069 212 43266
E-Mail: ramona.brinkmann(a)<>
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