Hi all,
Meeting notes from the activity 2 meeting earlier this week.
All the best
Notes from meeting 21th of September, 2022
Stefan Liström
Anikó Makkai-Kovács
Ferran Abarca
Domingo Iglesias
Interim report
The activity 2 interim report is now set in to Humboldt University for consolidation.
The project is now entering its second and final year. Under the circumstances and due to
some delays all task in activity 2 are currently active.
It would be beneficial if all task leaders could attend the next activity 2 meeting on the
5th of October. Then we can discuss how to organise the second part of the project, e.g.
has it been sufficient to have bi-weekly meetings on Wednesdays or should we change our
meeting structure?
It would also be good to get a general overview of the activity before we have the EDSSI
consortium meeting on the 6-7/10. If any task leader know you will not be able to attend
the activity 2 meeting on the 5th please send Stefan a short update of your task (like a
paragraph) before the consortium meeting.
Task 2.3
The task has now started officially and UB has started testing the e-archiving CEF
software by installing it in a cloud environment.
Task 2.6
The task has now officially started. Anikó och Killian are already involved in different
other activities that will help this activity and they have started investigating what
need to be done to facilitate this task.
Next meeting
Wednesday the 5th of October between 13:00-14:00 CEST.