Hi all,
Meeting notes from todays meeting. Note that next meeting is in January, i.e. we don’t
have any activity 2 meeting during the Christmas week.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Notes from meeting 14th of December, 2022
Stefan Liström
Maria Tsiakmaki
Peter Höring
Dimitris Zacharopoulos
Task 2.2
Fresia is on vacation between December 15 to January 13. Stefan will coordinate a meeting
to discuss progress of the task now that we have the new signing backend ready.
Task 2.5
Still no reply from EC. This topic will be discussed at the Steering Committee meeting
later this week.
This was the final meeting this year. We don't have a meeting during the christmas
week, next meeting will be in January.
Next meeting
Wednesday the 11th of January between 13:00-14:00 CET.