Hello everyone,
Today we had the final review presentation to the European Commission (HADEA) for the EDSSI L2 project.
The feedback from the reviewer was that activity 2 have delivered “High quality work”. This is not something they say out of the kindness of their heart, they are usually very clear when they do not get what they expect to be delivered.
So I want to thank you all for the great demos and presentations today! I also want to thank you all for the awesome work done during this project for the last couple of years. You should all be proud of what we have accomplished so far. Many of you are already part of other project such as DC4EU were we will continue to be able to build on our expertise and solutions to even greater success. Looking forward to getting the possibility to work more with all of you at some point or other going forward.
All the best
Stefan Liström
P.S. For those that presented slides today can you please send me your presentations so that I have them if the commission asks for it.
Hi all,
Below are some notes from the EC prep meeting we had today.
Plan for the EC review meeting:
Task 2.1 - Updating requirements analysis for building blocks and e-services
Stefan present the report
Task 2.2 - Building an eSignature solution
Stefan demo the e-signature proof of concept
- https://test.edusign.geant.org/
Dimitris demo the verification of a Harica signed document
Kostas demo the OLA signature proof of concept
Task 2.3 - Creating a Proof of concept for eArchive services
Ferran demo the eArchiving proof of concept
Task 2.4 - Usability report of eTranslate CEF building block
Kostas present the report
Task 2.5 - Student housing Web-Application
Mattias demo the housing app proof of concept
- https://edssi2-housing-app.pages.dev/
Task 2.6 - Connecting e-services to the interoperability infrastructure
Kilian present the report
Stefan will call for a meeting between Harica and eduSign to sort out final pieces to get the proof of concept working again.
Once Stefan gets information about the agenda of the EC meeting we can time box the above plan.
All the best
Stefan Liström
Hi all,
I have now sent the final technical report from Activity 2 to Tamas for inclusion in the final complete report.
I did some edits and additions to the text you had already helped me with. Task leaders are welcome to look over the final text for your tasks to ensure there is nothing to crazy in there.
Next week I will send out a Doodle for a meeting where we can discuss the demos we have to do for the EC at the final review meeting.
All the best
Stefan Liström
Hello all,
Today we had the final reoccurring activity 2 meeting for the EDSSI L2 project.
We agreed that each activity leader should put the final version of their task deliverables in the Deliverable folder under Activity 2 on the google drive. That way we can have a good overview and ensure we have the final versions of activity 2 deliverables in one place.
There is still some fine-tuning to do in some reports, but overall we are now done with the main work!
What is left to do is writing the final technical report and also the final demonstration for the EC in November.
I will call for a new meeting later where we can talk about and practice the demonstrations.
I have prepared a template we can use to fill out the final reporting from activity 2 point of view. You can find the template under the reporting folder or via this link:
All task leaders should fill out section 2.3 (description of the implementation…) and 2.4 (conclusion on result…). The 2.4 seems to me to be more important if there has been deviations from the grant agreement. Attaching the grant agreement for your convenience to check what was promised in regards to your tasks.
We still have some work left but I already now wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for the great work put into the project, all the good times and good spirits!
All the best
Stefan Liström

Dear all,
Below is the link to the Task 2.2. e-signature report from activity 2. Feel free to look it over and if there is something you think should be changed or if you want to add something please let me know
If I do not receive any feedback before end of next week I will consider it done and move it to final review by the Steering Committee.
All the best
Stefan Liström
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the super short heads-up but I will unfortunately not be able to attend our activity 2 meeting today.
Me and Peter will have a meeting on Friday at 15:00 CEST and you are all welcome to join us to talk about activity 2 in general. I will also find a time for next week for an extra meeting to talk about EDSSI activity 2 topics as we have not had a longer meeting in some time.
Sorry for any inconvenience and talk to you all soon.
All the best
Stefan Liström
Hi all,
Just a heads-up that I will unfortunately not be able to attend our activity 2 meeting tomorrow. The zoom meeting will still be open for everyone else that have the possibility to join if there is something you want to discuss. If there are any critical aspects that you need my attention for or want to let the rest of the activity know about feel free to send it this list or me personally.
All the best
Hi all,
Attached is what I will present at the technical meeting today. I know it is last minute but if anyone see something completely wrong please let me know. We can also talk more about it during the actual meeting for those that will attend.
Best regards
Notes from meeting 25th of January, 2023
Stefan Liström
Domingo Iglesias
Kilian Klein
Ferran Abarca
Maria Tsiakmaki
Task 2.2 e-signature
Sunet consultants ready with their suggestion. Stefan will send it out to task 2.2 for review and setup a new meeting to discuss moving forward.
Maria testing and the previous errors are now fixed. Found new problems however, that they are working on solving at the moment.
Task 2.3 e-archiving
Everything is up and running. More work right now on remote handling. Preparing for the march stakeholder meeting.
Task 2.4 e-translate
Kilian reviewing the report this or beginning of next week.
Task 2.5 Housing app
Kilian and Peter have talked about and clarified the requirements. E.g. to have the myAcademicID login and some aspects are similar to the HOME project so it has potential for future integration with e.g. the Erasmus+ app.
Task 2.6 connecting e-services
Focus on a communication effort between projects that are relevant in this case, e.g. EWP+ and EDSSI L2 to ensure that what we do in this project is relevant for other projects that can potentially use our deliverables and output, e.g. within the Erasmus+ app.
Next meeting
Wednesday the 8th of February between 13:00-14:00 CET.
Stefan will not be present for this meeting, but the meeting room is open if someone needs to coordinate activities. Next meeting after that will be on the 22nd of February between 13:00-14:00.
Notes from meeting 11th of January, 2023
Stefan Liström
Maria Tsiakmaki
Kilian Klein
Ferran Abarca
Task 2.1
Deliverables is now ready for finalization and publication.
Task 2.2
We had a meeting earlier today about the CA integration. Now that we soon have the new updated e-signature backend up and running we can start working on integration towards the Harica CA.
In general there will be three tracks:
1. Basic integration towards the Harica CA and get "Adobe accepted" signatures.
2. Clarify what we need to do to fulfill the project delierable in regards to offering qualified certificates vs. qualified signatures.
3. Plot out a way towards qualified signatures.
Parallell to the CA integration the OLA integration can now also move forward as the issues with eduSign connection should be solved.
Stefan will present the e-signature solutions at the stakeholder forum in March.
Task 2.3
The eArchiving test solution is now up and running and the task will continue to work as planned during 2023. Ferran will also present at the stakeholder forum coming up in March.
Task 2.4
The e-translate report deliverable is now ready for wider project review. Maria will send a link to Kilian for review from an EUF perspective and Stefan will check the formal finalization process.
Task 2.5
Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe has now gotten the confirmation needed from EC and can start working on the student housing application. Peter is looking into what can be done under the sircumsatnces we are in and if there needs to be any changes in expectation in the task compared to the grant agreement.
Task 2.6
Kilian will send out a Doodle to have the first meeting in this task where the purpose of the task will be clarified and the work can start.
Next meeting
Wednesday the 25th of January between 13:00-14:00 CET.