Hello everyone,
Today we had the final review presentation to the European Commission (HADEA) for the EDSSI L2 project.
The feedback from the reviewer was that activity 2 have delivered “High quality work”. This is not something they say out of the kindness of their heart, they are usually very clear when they do not get what they expect to be delivered.
So I want to thank you all for the great demos and presentations today! I also want to thank you all for the awesome work done during this project for the last couple of years. You should all be proud of what we have accomplished so far. Many of you are already part of other project such as DC4EU were we will continue to be able to build on our expertise and solutions to even greater success. Looking forward to getting the possibility to work more with all of you at some point or other going forward.
All the best
Stefan Liström
P.S. For those that presented slides today can you please send me your presentations so that I have them if the commission asks for it.