Dear Nasrine and all,
Thank you for initiating this discussion. Unfortunately I do not have the capacity to
coordinate a proposal at the moment and I would rather focus the time I have available on
the resubmission of the existing proposal. I think it is a great proposal and worthy of
Given the success rates my vote would be to stick with the standard model as it is far
more flexible for us and for the students.
Best wishes,
Dr. Nicola Mountford
PhD Director & Associate Professor,
School of Business,
Maynooth University,
Co. Kildare, Ireland.
T: +353 (0)1 4747765
Twitter: @nmountford
Recent Publications:
Mountford, N. and Cai, Y., (2022). Towards a flatter ontology of institutional logics: How
logics relate in situations of institutional complexity. International Journal of
Management Reviews. (Open
Cai, Y., & Mountford, N. (2022). Institutional logics analysis in higher education
research. Studies in Higher Education, 47(8), 1627-1651. (Open Access)
Mountford, N. and Geiger, S., 2021. Markets and institutional fields: foundational
concepts and a research agenda. AMS Review, pp.1-14. (Open Access)
Moran, G. and Mountford, N., 2021. Please don’t put a price on our lives”: Social media
and the contestation of value in Ireland’s pricing of orphan drugs. In Geiger, S. (Ed)
Healthcare Activism: Markets, Morals, and the Collective Good, Oxford University Press,
From: Nasrine Olson <nasrine.olson(a)>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2024 2:06:20 PM
To: diverse(a) <diverse(a)>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [DIVERSE] friendly reminder and some info on acceptance rates
This email originated from outside of Maynooth University's Mail System. Do not reply,
click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is
Dear all,
Following the notes below, thank you everyone who has added notes to our shared document
or has sent in comments via email. This is a gentil reminder about sharing your views in
by answering the three questions put there.
The most important question to answer is Q1, since we cannot proceed if we do not have a
coordinator for this year’s proposal.
Considering that there will be a coordinator, then we would need to elaborate the topics
proposed in Q2 further too, to help decide the next steps.
While here, I also like to share the following information with you regarding a point that
was raised by Astrid:
There were in total 1066 MSCA-DN applications which ended up in 128 funded applications,
which equals a 12% success rate.
920 of these 1066 applications were standard doctoral networks, of which 113 were funded,
resulting in a 12% success rate.
64 of the applications were Industrial doctoral network, of which 8 were funded, resulting
in a 12.5 % success rate.
82 of the applications were Joint Doctorates, of which 7 were funded, resulting only in a
8.5% success rate.
According to this the standard doctoral network and the industrial doctorate had almost
the same success rate with only slightly higher rate of acceptance for DN-ID (but of
course with considerably fewer accepted project in total). So in the light of this, I
think we should go with DN-ID only if we think that DN-ID format suits our proposal better
than an ordinary DN.
I will review the document mentioned above by late tomorrow to see if we have any
suggestions for a coordinator. If so, I will contact you again to set the further steps in
Best regards,
From: Nasrine Olson
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 9:50 AM
To: diverse(a)
Cc: Karen Nowé Hedvall <karen.nowe_hedvall(a)>
Subject: Notes from yesterday's meeting
Dear all,
Thank you everyone who could make it to our meeting yesterday, it was nice seeing you all.
Here is a recap of what was discussed for those of you who could not make it to the
As you know we received positive comments, but the proposal was rejected with a score of
73%. The rejection was not a surprise considering the high number of submissions, but the
low score means that we cannot resubmit the same proposal again this year. So, the main
question for yesterday’s meeting was:
* Should we improve the proposal at leisure and re-submit next year or should we
drastically change the proposal and resubmit the new proposal already this year?
The general view in the meeting seemed to be that we should do both. We have formed a very
nice and strong consortium that provides a good foundation for development of a new
Another topic of discussion was that since the standard Doctoral Network (DN) are highly
competitive, perhaps we should opt to go for an Industrial Doctorate (DN-ID) proposal.
The submission statistics were:
- Doctoral Networks (standard DN): 920 proposals (86.3% of total)
- Industrial Doctorates (DN-ID): 64 proposals (6.0% of total)
- Joint Doctorates (DN-JD): 82 proposals (7.7% of total)
Based on this line of thinking, a few further questions arose.
1. What should the topic or core idea of the new application be?
A few ideas came up already as listed in this
It was decided that we all take until the end of next week and think through potential
directions and add some notes about our ideas in the shared
It would be great if we could find topics that interest us all, but this is not a must.
Furthermore, there may be a topic for which we do not have the right expertise in the
current consortium. This is also fine as we could approach others with the right
1. As we at HB have the management’s approval to continue with further development of
the DIVERSE proposal, we will be happy to continue with its coordination and resubmission
next year. Who would like to take on the coordination of the new proposal to be submitted
this year? (we will all of course contribute to the writing) Please indicated your
interest in the same document as mentioned above.
1. Depending on the proposed topics and if we go for a DN-ID proposal, who would be the
industrial partners?
If you wish to create mind maps on
we can use the same page as before, feel free to create new separate spaces on same page.
I have also archived our earlier documents on Google
Drive<… and
have created a new subfolder for our new
I have placed the call in the same folder. Please feel free to use these as you deem fit.
Please add your thoughts to the document above by the end of next week (end of May) to
help us decide what the next steps should be.
Best regards,
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Nasrine Olson
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 12:15 PM
Subject: Follow up on DIVERSE MSCA application
When: 21 May 2024 10:00-11:00 (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm,
Where: Online:
Dear all,
Thank you everyone for responding to my doodle. Based on your feedback, Tuesday 21st May
at 10:00 CEST seems to be the best option, so please book that slot in your diaries.
Some of you, representing supporting organisations, have contacted me wondering if your
presence is also required. You do not have to be there but you are most welcome to join if
you so wish. This might be a good opportunity to meet the others in the group and
contribute to the conversation and decisions, but purely up to you. We will of course
continue to keep you informed.
Looking forward to seeing you again in May and best regards,