Hi SI-PASS Supervisors,
The European Centre for SI-PASS invites SI-PASS/PAL leaders to the second online session this semester. Please forward the information to you SI-PASS/PAL Leaders.
Supercharge Revision and Exam Preparation –Getting ready for end-of-year sessions
Join SI-PASS supervisors Polly Harper and Han-Na Cha from the University of Birmingham who will guide us through discussions and idea-sharing for how to run engaging and collaborative SI-PASS sessions, focusing on
revision and exam preparation.
The session acts as both professional development for SI-PASS/PAL leaders as well as a chance to meet and network with SI-PASS/PAL leaders from other universities and countries. Leaders who have participated in at least
two activities this academic year will be offered a personalized recommendation on Linkedin.
We hope to see your leaders there!
Best wishes,
Isabella Fairclough, William Carey & Linda Dahlberg
European Centre for SI-PASS
Lund University
Student Affairs
Study Support and Learning
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