

At the Middle East Technical University (Cyprus Campus) we have been doing a study on implementing SI to support English (or second) language learning/learners. We are wondering if there are any (current/previous) SI implementations of this kind elsewhere? Any insights or leads will be greatly appreciated!


Furthermore, we are wondering if there are any SI programs that instead of employing Leaders run the program within the scope of a course (e.g., Community Service Practice, Service Learning, Practicum, Internship, etc.)?


If you would like to share your experiences, please contact any of the below directly:


Eda Sun - edasun@metu.edu.tr

Ali Fuad Selvi - afselvi@gmail.com

Leyla Silman -  kleyla@metu.edu.tr


Kind regards,


Joakim Malm

Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction

Lund University, Faculty of Engineering / European Centre for SI-PASS

Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail:
