2022-11-11 14:25:41 DEBUG XMLTooling.CredentialCriteria [24] [default]: usage didn't match (4 != 3)
2022-11-11 14:25:41 DEBUG XMLTooling.CredentialCriteria [24] [default]: key algorithm didn't match ('AES' != 'RSA')
2022-11-11 14:25:41 DEBUG XMLTooling.CredentialCriteria [24] [default]: usage didn't match (4 != 3)
2022-11-11 14:25:41 WARN XMLTooling.Decrypter [24] [default]: XMLSecurity exception while decrypting key: OpenSSL:RSA privateKeyDecrypt - Error removing OAEPadding
Hittade detta när jag googlade
"I solved the problem. ADFS changed the token certificates (encryption and signing) then I updated the information about the certificates in FederationMetadata.xml :-)"