Hi everyone

We have been having some issues with our mailing list due to a software update, so I apologize if you have received this email several time, and for any other weird emails you might have received over the last couple of days. Everything should be up and running again now. Please see the invite and the link for the upcoming lecture by Thomas Leitch below.


Welcome to Meeting Media Minds with Thomas Leitch on How to Succeed in Intermediality Without Really Being Lars Elleström


We are happy to invite you to attend the fourth talk in our open lecture series Meeting Media Minds: Critical legacies of Lars Elleström on Wednesday 8 June. This week we are visited by Thomas Leitch, who is a Professor of English and Unidel Andrew B. Kirkpatrick Chair in Writing, University of Delaware.

Nota that this lecture takes place in the evening (in Swedish time).


Abstract: How to Succeed in Intermediality Without Really Being Lars Elleström

Lars Elleström’s approach to intermedial studies was so ambitious and all-encompassing that some scholars inspired by his work might find his analytical precision and his prodigious grasp of, and for, new material too daunting to make effective models for their own work. This presentation seeks to encourage new research in intermedial studies along two obviously contradictory lines: scholarship that seeks to establish itself by imitating Elleström’s own approach, and scholarship that aims to establish new perspectives by following a contrary approach. Focusing on the analysis of three examples of qualified media that have so far largely escaped scrutiny by intermedial scholars, the presentation aims to demonstrate not only that following in Elleström’s footsteps and challenging his principles and protocols at every step are equally reasonable ways to undertake intermedial studies, but that Elleström’s own work incorporates and anticipates them both.


The lecture is on Wednesday 8. June 17.15-19.00 CEST (Swedish summertime).

This lecture is completely digital. You are welcome to participate via zoom: https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/63994556354?pwd=T1ZBVW91QkFkWXdhV0lKSW9qRUVKZz09.


This lecture is part of the IMS lecture series 'Meeting Media Minds – Critical Legacies of Lars Elleström' (MMM). The MMM is a series of open, online lectures intended to commemorate and discuss the work of Lars Elleström.

The invited speakers have been asked to talk about and discuss one of Lars Elleström’s concepts in relation to their own work. The lectures will further include a consideration of how the concept can be used and developed in future research, and an open discussion.



Best wishes,


Signe – on behalf of IMS



IMS on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LNU.IMS

IMS public email list: https://lists.sunet.se/listinfo/publik.ims

IMS website: https://lnu.se/en/research/searchresearch/linnaeus-university-centre-for-intermedial-and-multimodal-studies/


Signe Kjaer Jensen / PhD

Senior Lecturer, Department of Film and Literature

Social Media Manager for Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS)

Linnæus University

Department of Film and Literature