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LIBER er ved at gennemføre en undersøgelse af  hvordan Open Educational Resources kan gøres mere synlige. Måske er det noget I gerne vil besvare.


Se nedenfor:

The LIBER Educational Resources Working Group is conducting a survey to identify library discovery systems that make Open Educational Resources visible in an effective way. The group is looking for examples of good practice and would like to hear your experiences.


Do you have an example to share with the group? Take the survey here: https://forms.gle/66Hos2BQNXgiLujs6 



Med venlig hilsen | With kind regards,


Jesper Boserup Thestrup
Information specialist


Fysisk Informationsforsyning og Biblioteksservice

Physical Information Supply and Library Services


AU Library, Studie- og Forskerservice

AU Library, University Library Division


+45 5167 1306







Det Kgl. Bibliotek

Royal Danish Library


Victor Albecks Vej 1

DK-8000 Aarhus C

+45 3347 4747


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