Matthew, Roland, Johan, Ivan, Heather, Giuseppe

0 - Agenda bash

1 - Administrivia
    a. Board slate for 2023

2 - Project review
    a. General

  b. OIDC - (JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP, JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)

    c. Satosa -
One new issue reported - desire for support for more client authentication methods. Don't want to do this on pyop; should try to push them to use the new front ends.

Still wants to move Satosa to using poetry, but hasn't had time yet.

    d. pySAML2 -

    e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, etc)
djangosaml2 - new release out; there was a regression from the previous release.

pyFF - Matthew is planning to develop a docker official image for pyFF sometime this spring, similar to what he's developed for Satosa. What's on dockerhub now is old and not obviously maintained. Nicole Roy will also be part of this work.

py11 - ok for Johan to be the maintainer and merge his PR? Yes.

3 - Documentation
Doc writing guidance:

Should we post a survey to collect information on the developer's experience to help prioritize/guide our documentation? When a developer lands on the idpy pages, do they have enough information to start contributing and engaging with the community? There are different types of developers - developers who are trying to deploy it, developers who want to add functionality, developers who are trying to find an answer to a specific question.

Thanks! Heather