Sorry for the delay in getting these out.
Attendees: Johan W, Johan L, Shayna, Ivan, Roland, Matthew E.
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General -
Roland has merged some existing MRs, including:
The effect is that the token will have certain audience values that have been requested, but there are many cases where you need to apply policies about which client requests can access certain services, and this may also be combined with scopes, limiting what you can ask of a service. Audience policies - how you can specify how the relationship between a client, servives and scopes actually works. This is different from how you request a specific audience to become part of a token. There is no PR for this but there are discussions going on how it should be implemented.
idpy-oidc -native clients can request different schemes - the control is given back to the application rather than the browser. More policies and configurations for these kind of things are coming.
Roland has been working on wallets on his own fork of idpy-oidc and sending back updates.
new release for pyop - still in use but will be slowly deprecated.
Ivan has been working on other projects
will be backporting things that were added for EOSC
will be merging things, creating smaller releases.
some work on pyop, anything easy on pysaml2 and satosa
PR-396 is part of a series of PRs created by
Sven Haardiek around ldap_attribute_store (395-398). Ivan will go ahead and merge all of them. 398 was trickier but Ivan will test and merge if it doesn't break anything.
Should create a ticket to add tests - going to go ahead and merge because they are an optional microservice.
Kristof wants his MR merged - support for path elements in the base url of satosa - will probably talk more about that.
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
2 - AOB