Matthew, Heather, Ivan, Johan, Scott



1 - Administrivia
Heather ranted about wallets.

Internet2 TechEx ACAMP

2 - GitHub review
a. OIDC - (JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP, JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
Roland is unavailable today, but there is a note out from Shib Consortium on the release of a OIDC OP (v3.3.0)

Heather sent in a full copyedit of the federation draft; Roland and Mike Jones are reviewing proposed changes now. 

Note that the grant manager PR has been merged (; there are a few issues with it, but the work is progressing. This also unblocks several other merge requests.

b. Satosa -
Currently working through: 

Expect a new release with small fixes after 419 is merged.

Other items pending: base URL and paths that are allowed

c. pySAML2 -
Working to support PyMongo (

Also working on:

When Ivan has more time, expect more big changes in Satosa and pySAML re: the configuration itself and around how we process attributes and attribute mapping that is not needed. Will also refactor how we process encryption and signing of requests and responses.

d. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, etc)

3 - Documentation
Note that eduTEAMS will be. hiring more programming staff in February, expecting to free up Ivan's time to do more with idpy.

4  - AOB

Thanks! Heather