Alex Perez, Giuseppe, Heather, Ivan, Matthew

Roland, Scott

0 - Agenda bash
Introductions: Alexandro Perez-Mendez (JISC), working with Alex Stuart and Phil Smith

1 - Project review
    a. General
Big things Ivan is looking at: making a plan to convert Satosa to use a framework (flask, fastAPI, etc); figuring out better logging and introducing parts of OpenTelemetry ( into the code to help add traces and possibly switching to structured logging.

Hannah has a draft PR about logout support on Satosa. For that, we need to keep some state, and this PR offers an opportunity to consider that again. 

Any move towards supporting the wallet framework as per eIDAS 2 and the European Digital Identity Wallet Architecture and Reference Framework ( The ARF specifies two flows - the remote flow using OIDC and the proximate flow where RFIDs will be used. Can Satosa work with those things? The plan is to support the OIDC flows and look later at the other flows. The relevant OIDC specifications are still in draft. The Verifiable Credentials are part of what make this complicated; we need to pick a credential profile and make sure we can support that, then consider how they are signed, whether they can support selective disclosure, etc. There will be dedicated calls for this, organized by Ivan.

    b. OIDC - (JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP, JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
No updates

    c. Satosa -
Looking at the following:

Expect a new release in the next week or so.

    d. pySAML2 -
Ivan working on a fix for a Windows issue (see for a description; that PR isn't going in, but it does describe the problem). When this is ready, he will cut a new release.

Also working on ; this will also go into the new release.

    e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, etc)
pyFF - Leif is preparing a new release. There have been fixes and merges, so a new release is due. Matthew is working on a docker image (as well as a thiss.js container that would use a simple HTML template to implement a centralized discovery service). Alex and JISC is interested in this work. They have a small docker compose script available that is close to working.

Note there is a slack channel. Can continue discussion there. Can also create a pyFF channel if that would be more helpful.

2  - AOB
Note: Admin task - Pavel, one of the contributors to the independent OIDC front end to Satosa, and his team have been invited to join the OIDC channel in Slack. Need to approve their participation.

Thanks! Heather