FED CM - there are recent developments in the w3c privacy group and the federated identity community group (previously the federated credential manager community group) - chrome has a new API they are proposing called FedCM - to work around google identity access management library that relies on third party cookies. They want to kill link decorations as well - they'll break saml, oauth2, oidc, etc. When an IdP needs to do something, or a RP needs to send a user to an IdP, FedCM can instruct the browser using this javascript API to get consent from the user to allow the link decoration and third party cookies before going to the next "hop". For authentication intermediaries, there are a lot of implications with this. People involved in talks about this: Zacharias Törnblom (Sunet), Philip Smart at Jisc (has a demo) , Chris Phillips (Canarie), Leif, Albert Wu, Nicole Roy, Scott Cantor. See: