Hello all!
I'm proposing to send the following to the idpy-discuss list. Is there anyone missing re: nominations? Please get back to me by this Friday, 8 March, so I can get this sent out on Monday.
Hello idpy contributors!
Roland and I are stepping down from the idpy board, and four other seats are up for election with board members interested in continuing. This leaves us with five seats up for election for the 2024-2026 term.
We have several individuals interested in joining the board and are looking for your feedback.
Incumbent nominees:
- Ivan Kanakarakis (SUNET, lead architect for Satosa, pySAML)
- Chris Whalen (individual contributor)
- Mike Jones (OIDF, author of OIDC and JWT and OAuth)
New nominees:
- Fresia Pérez Arriagada (SUNET)
- Jakob Schlyter (Kirei)
- Warren Anderson (LIGO)
Leif Johansson (SUNET) and Christos Kanellopoulos (GÉANT) are in the middle of their 2023-2025 terms; those seats are up for election next year.
Please go to the following
Zoom survey link by 15 March 2024 to place your votes.