En doktorandtjänst och en postdoktorstjänst utlyses i Oslo i nystartat ERC-projekt om upphovsrättens historia.




From: Marius Buning <marius.buning@iakh.uio.no>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 10:22 AM
To: Marius Buning
Cc: Marius Buning
Subject: Jobs in History of Copyright!


Dear colleagues,


Two positions are available in copyright history:


- one Doctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), specialization Holy Roman Empire, ca. 1500-1800

- one Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2,5 years), specialization Italian States


Both positions are part of the ERC-funded project Before Copyright hosted at the University of Oslo. Before Copyright examines the history of printing privileges from a long-term perspective and seeks to unravel the close relationship between legal frameworks and the politics of knowledge. More positions and research assistantships will become available in the near future. Please sign up for the mailing list for announcements of future events, or follow us on Twitter.


Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested. Potential candidates may contact the PI of the project, Dr. Marius Buning: marius.buning@iakh.uio.no. Deadline for applications: 15 November 2022.


With kind regards,

Marius Buning



Dr. Marius Buning | Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History | University of Oslo | Niels Henrik Abels vei 36, Niels Treschows hus | 0851 Oslo | tel: +47 22857875 | Principal Investigator of the ERC-funded Before Copyright project



Jonas Nordin

Professor i bok- och bibliotekshistoria

Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper | Avd. för bokhistoria


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Telefon: 046-222 3142




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