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En postdoc-tjänst i historia på 2,5 år (75%) utlyses inom projektet Humanitarian Great Power? The Local Reception of Refugees in Sweden, 1700-1730. Hjälp gärna till att sprida annonsen vidare till tänkbara intressenter!


https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=6&lang=SE&validator=3038fcf1516ea1184a6da70a891f87da&job_id=27440  (Swedish version).


https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=7&lang=UK&validator=9b89bead79bb7258ad55c8d75228e5b7&job_id=27555 (English version)


Läs mer om själva projektet här:



Med vänliga hälsningar



Sari Nauman

Pro Futura Scientia XVII Fellow, SCAS

Docent in History, University of Gothenburg

Postdoc in History, Centre for Privacy Studies, Universty of Copenhagen

University of Gothenburg
Department of Historical Studies

Box 200

405 30  Gothenburg, Sweden


Recent publications:

Baltic Hospitality from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century: Receiving Strangers in Northeastern Europe, eds: Sari Nauman, Wojtek Jezierski, Christina Reimann & Leif Runefelt (London: Palgrave, 2022). (Open Access)


Private/Public in 18th-Century Scandinavia, eds: Sari Nauman & Helle Vogt (London: Bloomsbury, 2022). (Open Access)


‘Sweden Inc.: Temporal Sovereignty of the Realm and People from the Middle Ages to Modernity’, by Wojtek Jezierski, Sari Nauman, Thomas Lindkvist & Biörn Tjällén, Scandinavian Studies 94:3 (2022), pp. 352–381.


‘Peripheral Promises: Political Oaths as Instruments of Trust and Control, Sweden 15201718’, The Seventeenth Century 37:3 (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/0268117X.2021.1949744


‘Securitisation of Space and Time’, Journal of the British Academy 9:4s (2021), pp. 13–31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5871/jba/009s4.013