Hej kollegor,

Nedan info från våra kollegor i Island om nästa Nordiska Historikermöte som kommer att äga rum i Reykjavík 2025. Sprid gärna informationen i era kanaler.




Silke Neunsinger

Arbetarrörelsen arkiv och bibliotek

Elektronvägen 2

141 49 Huddinge

tel 08-4123927

mobil 070-7613927





Från: Rósa Magnúsdóttir - HI <rm@hi.is>
Skickat: den 7 februari 2024 12:19
Till: Rósa Magnúsdóttir - HI <rm@hi.is>
Ämne: NHM2025: Det 31. Nordiske Historikermøde i Island


Dear friends and colleagues,


It has come to my attention that not everyone is aware of the launch of our website for the 31st Congress of Nordic Historians to be held in Reykjavík in 2025.


May I ask for your assistance in spreading the word? It would be of enormous help if you could notify your personal networks and make sure that your national associations are distributing the information wide and far. And if applicable, please also post a link to the website in relevant groups on your social media accounts. We look forward to welcoming you in Iceland in August 2025!


The website is: https://nhm2025.is/


The deadline for sending abstracts is May 25, 2024.


Thank you all very much for your help and warm wishes from Iceland,




Rósa Magnúsdóttir

Prófessor í sagnfræði / Professor of History

Deild heimspeki, sagnfræði og fornleifafræði / Faculty of Philosophy, History and Archaeology


Hugvísindasvið / School of Humanities

Háskóli Íslands / University of Iceland

Árnagarði #408, Sturlugötu 1, 101 Reykjavík

Email: rm@hi.is   

Tel: +354 525 4242

Mobile: + 354 859 8243