Dear all,

The organisers are pleased to announce that next year’s edition of the annual phonetics conference Fonetik 2024 will take place at Stockholm University. We kindly ask you to mark the dates June 3-5 2024 in your calendars. There will be more substantial information and important dates in due time.

However, we can already now announce that there will also be a Special seminar to commemorate Björn Lindblom’s 90th birthday in connection with Fonetik 2024, and that this event will be organised by Axel Ekström at KTH. The call for this event reads like this:

Special seminar to commemorate Björn Lindblom’s 90th birthday
The 35th iteration of the conference is organized at Stockholm University and coincides with the 90th birthday of Professor emeritus Björn Lindblom. Therefore, in addition to the traditional two-day lunch-to-lunch meeting, we will also be organizing a special afternoon seminar to celebrate.

Björn is the former head of the SU Department of Linguistics and founder of the Stockholm University Phonetics Laboratory. He has served as tutor, colleague, advisor, and friend to generations of phonetics students.  

We encourage presenters to submit contributions toward this special seminar on themes pertinent to central themes of Björn’s research. These topics include speech production, coarticulation, phonological development, evolution of speech, phonetic systems, and phonological universals – and many others. These contributions will be included as part of the general conference proceedings.

Axel Ekström <> 

Best regards,
Mattias Heldner


Mattias Heldner 
Professor, Head of Department, Director of the Phonetics Laboratory

Department of Linguistics
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden 
Visiting address: Universitetsvägen 10C, room C265 
Phone: +46 (0)8-16 19 88 