Dear members of the Swedish Research Network,


DIIS and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs are arranging an international conference in Denmark on 9-10 October 2023 “A light in the Darkness: Lessons from Denmark during the Holocaust”. The conference is marking the eightieth anniversary of October 1943 when most of the jews in Denmark managed to flee to Sweden. The audience is mainly international members of IHRA. Attached, please find the Programme which is already set, but the Danish organizational committée have extended the invitation to all who are interested in participating in the Conference as an audience and they have asked me to spread the word. Unfortunatley, they won´t be able to cover for travels and lodging, but should you be interested and have to possibility to cover your own expenses, please send an e-mail to co-ordinator Emilie Hedegaard Jensen on


Warmly welcome!


Best regards


Karin Kvist Geverts 

Docent i historia och föreståndare/Associate professor and Director

Svenska institutet för Förintelseforskning

The Institute for Holocaust Research in Sweden (IHRS)

Phone: +46708990014
