Dear All


Monday 30 September (ca 09.00) - Wednesday 2 October (lunchtime) - tímings tbc

This will be on the OMT agenda next Friday for further discussion.


Fyi: There is now a preparatory folder you can start populating regarding participants and suggestions for agenda items at the meeting in Dublin. It also includes the welcome pack from Leornovate with practicalities and suggested hotels.

Please share with your other organization members who will attend but are not part of the OMT.


The meeting will take place at the Learnovate Offices situated here:

More information will follow.


Deirdre Green is our main point of contact for the meeting, but note she is on leave until 6th September .

If you have any questions in the meantime, around logistics or practical matters, you can send them to Richard, with Jake and Deirdre in copy.


Best regards

