Dear all,

This is a gentle reminder that we expect your input on the updated ExtenDT2 framework and guidelines [V1.1] before the 11th of October (Friday). See the previous email below.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you for your attention.

All the best,

On 18 Sep 2024, at 12:10, Feiran Zhang <> wrote:

Dear all,

Below is the update on the progress of WP2 and the action needed: to proceed further, we’d like to hear the feedback from each WP on the updated ExtenDT2 framework and guidelines [V1.1] before the 11th of October (Friday)

We uploaded a sub-folder to the WP2 folder in our shared Google Drive named “Y2 Feedback for the ExtenDT2 framework and guidelines [V1.1]” where you can find the following:
(1) Readme file that gives you an overview and instructions on the action you need to take; 
(2) The updated ExtenDT2 framework and guidelines [V1.1] that shows all the changes we made and the expected inputs from you; 
(3) Y1 reflection results & (4) Survey results on which the updates were based.

Thank you for your time, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Feiran Zhang
On behalf of the NTNU team