Dear all
Thank you to those who reviewed and left feedback on the surveys for school students. I have worked through and responded to all comments - feel free to continue the discussion on any specific points. If you have not yet reviewed - please do so by the end of today.
We are now getting ready to send the revised surveys to 4 children, aged 11/12 (2 in the UK and 2 in Ireland) to gauge whether they are easily understood by our youngest possible students and how we might rephrase certain items. The latter is a situation I am keen to avoid as we are using validated surveys and so changes may require re-validation. However, we will make a decision on whether a) that will be a useful additional task and b) feasible when we get the responses back from our young testers.
By the end of the week, we expect to have the final versions of the surveys available to download for those who are planning on administering the survey via paper. The Qualtrics version should be ready at the same time.
Tasks for you:
1) If you require the online version of the survey to be translated, please let me know and I will prepare the files for translation to be sent to you.
2) Once you have a translated version of the survey, please take a moment to find 1 or 2 local volunteers who will read through the surveys to check that they understand them the way we understand them - as mentioned before there are many ways in which translation can change the way an item is interpreted. You need to note where challenges with translation arise, at the stage of initial translation, testing or even out in schools. And we will report these in the deliverable where relevant.
All the best,