This seems reasonable for WP7.


On Mon, 15 Jul 2024 at 10:01, Marianthi Grizioti <> wrote:
Dear all,
Year 3 is the most demanding regarding numbers since it is the scaling phase.
Based on Y2 experience and on the upcoming tasks and deliverables we have created a Year 3 timeline that concerns almost all WPs (3,4,5,6,7) to be prepared and have everything done on time. You can find a 3-slide PPT with the timeline and the activities in the WP5 drive folder and here

The most important things (in reverse order) are :
-- School interventions implementation period: Jan 25– Mid May 25,  (This is because Deliverable 5.3 is due on 30 June)
-- Training & Co-design with teachers period: Nov 24 - Dec 24 (You can start earlier with training on existing technologies, DT and Activity Plan)
-- Y3 Evaluation toolkits (if there are new ones): ready by 31/12
-- Technologies ready to be used (dashboard, tools, platform): ready by 15 Nov

There are more tasks and a diagram in the PPT, so please have a look at it too

Please share you thoughts about the feasibility of this timeline, especially the WP leaders with interdependent tasks (WP3, 4 and 7)

Best wishes for the summer,
Marianthi - NKUA team

Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)
Post-doc researcher & software developer
Department of Educational Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
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