Hi Marianthi, 

Thank you for following up on this.

It depends on a few factors, for example in what each teacher gave consent, what they want (e.g. maybe they want their name to be written or not, or anything else), who wrote the activity plan (for example in some are only the researchers), how it is the process in each country etc.... 
So, it should be checked for the shared activity plans if and how they can appear publicly.

For NTNU, for two of the activity plans it should be fine (I will confirm as soon as possible), but in the third one, the names and a source (since it is used also by master students) should be added (I will give information).


.ps I downloaded the deliverable from the shared folder and the links are not "clickable" except from the project's one, but maybe I do something wrong

From: mgriziot@eds.uoa.gr <mgriziot@eds.uoa.gr> on behalf of Marianthi Grizioti <mgriziot@eds.uoa.gr>
Sent: 30 August 2024 17:09
To: Exten.D.T.2_OMT_Mailing List <extendt2_omt@lists.sunet.se>
Subject: [Extendt2_omt] Reg. usage of Activity Plans in Del
Dear all,
I don't know if this can cover us regarding the usage of teachers' Activity Plans in public reports, but in the consent forms writes that the collected data from the teacher includes
"Lesson activity plans and any supporting materials"
and then in the data usage section says that
"De-identified data may be used in reports, presentations and other research outputs, in which a randomly assigned pseudonym will be used."

So maybe we are ok? I don't know, what do you think?

Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)
Post-doc researcher & software developer
Department of Educational Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece