Financial Reporting
(NB: Not
applicable for OU and UCL who I will contact separately for PM info).
This consists of 2 parts to fill in, the Excel Sheet and a Word document with narrative.
Please review in good time before Friday’s OMT meeting, so you can ask any Qs then.
Best regards
On your Partner tab: Please report your costs for the
9-month period: 1 March 2024 - 30 November 2024
in the Excel in
Column G.
This will automatically update columns H & I
in the spreadsheet to M27 (the figures currently showing in columns H & I are those at M18)
For information only:
Please create a separate word document and provide the following information (expected length: one third to half a page narrative in total
– use Arial Font 10 for your narrative)
- If the total
% left at M27 is > 30% or < 20% (in Column H on the excel) , provide an explanation of the deviation.
- Where the % left is >30% provide an indication of whether you will utilize the budget or not by the end of the project.
Consider also whether you want to do an internal shift between budget categories and, if yes, provide reasonable justification.