Hi Marianthi, hi All,


Thank you for your email. This is applicable for other WP deliverables who have updated versions as well as WP5


Q Re, updated D5.1: Re, either of what you propose would be acceptable to the EC.

(e.g. for the updated DMP deliverable the text was kept from the initial DMP deliverable with additions, and for the WP8 Dissemination deliverable, a new deliverable was written at M18 rather than updating the M6 related deliverable. These deliverables have been approved.

Every WP that has updated versions of deliverables should choose what is most appropriate for them.


If you have a lot of new text, and as D5.1 (submitted in M6) was relatively long, it may be more appropriate to write a new shorter deliverable, and (i) reference to the first version in the Introduction, and (ii) where applicable in the Sections that follow.

Or, if you can put all the “new material” as appendices then it should be sufficient to write a preface to the first version and do it this way.


Re, D5.2 request:

Yes, unfortunately there are inconsistencies in the due dates of deliverables in various places in the Grant Agreement.

The EC portal (which is what the control excel sheet is based on) has some dates wrong as a result,

I do not see there being any problem to rectify D5.3 to from M30 to M34 for the third-year implementations with our PO (and similarly for D6.2 as Christina has pointed out). I will inform our PO of this.


@ALL: (For info)


Best, Shamim


From: Marianthi Grizioti <margrizioti@gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2024 at 11:18
To: "Exten.D.T.2_OMT_Mailing List" <extendt2_omt@lists.sunet.se>
Subject: WP5 deliverables on M24


Hi Shamim,

We have 1 question and 1 request regarding the upcoming deliverables of WP5


We have to submit an updated version of Del 5.1 (v1 submitted on M6). In the new document should we keep the text from v1 and extend it with new chapters concerning the updates or should we write a new text and refer to v1 in it? 


There is one mistake in Del 5.3. It says that the first report is on M24 and the updated on M30. However in the grant agreement on the deliverables table the update of Del5.3 is on M34 (see screenshot). This makes more sense, since the 3rd year interventions will be in progress on M30. Can we modify this? 





Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)

Post-doc researcher & software developer

Department of Educational Studies

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece