Dear all,


I share the below event (online: Thursday the 2nd of February 2023) as it may be of interest to you or your colleagues (feel free to share).


It is about Education 4.0 in Higher Education: lessons learned from Computer Science.


You can reserve a ticket here:


We are pleased to invite you to a free engagement session where we will share and discuss our lived experiences of exploring what Industry 4.0 might mean for universities in Europe. Education 4.0 is related to the view that the current Industry 4.0 is becoming more and more automated, using modern smart technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). In particular we explored how universities could prepare for Education 4.0. At present a range of eight Joint Creative Classrooms (for example Machine Learning School; Robotics: Embedded Software Development) have been implemented across 16 computer science programs in Europe as part of the Teach4EDU project (


This free event is aimed at academics, educators, learning designers, managers, and policy makers who are interested in learning about how Education 4.0 might impact your practice.


The session has two different formats: face-to-face at Jurys Inn Birmingham on Tuesday 31st of January 2023 and online on Thursday 2nd of February 2023.


Event Programme for both dates:

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (f2f only)

13:00 - 14:00 - What is Edu4.0? What should universities do to be ready for Industry 4.0?

14:00 - 14:10 - Break

14:10 - 15:10 - Case studies in innovative pedagogical approaches are used in the teaching of Computer Science

15:10 - 15:30 - Final discussion and wrap up


You can register for free and reserve your face-to-face* or online spot here:  


Best wishes,
