For info

Br, Shamim


Date: Monday, 10 June 2024 at 10:20
To: Marcelo Milrad <>, Gerardo Herrera Gutiérrez <>, Καρακαπιλίδης Νίκος <>, Inmaculada Remolar Quintana <>, Garofalakis George <>, Shamim Patel <>, "" <>, Ziaul Haque Munim <>, "Schramm, Hans-Joachim" <>, Ruben García Vidal <>, Tore Guneriussen <>, i-MASTER <>, Christothea Herodotou <>, Tae Eun Kim <>, "" <>, Jessica Sutherland <>, "Neighbors, Dustin" <>, MARTIN GALAN Rodrigo <>, Henrik Engell-Hedager <>, RAISANEN Henna <>, "Räisänen, Riikka H" <>, Julie De Groot <>, Bert De Munck <>, Xenophon Zabulis <>, Marta Gasparin <>
Cc: Sotiris Manitsaris <>, Xenophon Zabulis <>, Nikolaos Partarakis <>
Subject: "How can industries operate through AI ACT?", Mines Paris 13-14 June


Dear all,


Please see below information on this symposium on the AI Act that is available online and for free. One of our projects, Craeft, is involved.






From: Sotiris Manitsaris <>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 7:10 PM
Cc: Xenophon Zabulis <>; Nikolaos Partarakis <>
Subject: "How can industries operate through AI ACT?", Mines Paris


Dear Angel,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to share with you the information about our Symposium on « How can industries operate through AI ACT? » :


The Symposium is articulated around 3 big questions that will be addressed by our panel of international experts, including the OECD:

1. How will AI ACT emerge and affect the industrial sector?

2. Manual jobs: what is their future through AI?

3. Can AI ACT be harmful for creative industries? How can they adapt and adjust?


We put a special focus on manual jobs, crafts and creative industries in general.


Please find attached a nearly final programme of our Symposium.


Please do not hesitate to share the information about the event.


Have a nice week-end.


Best regards,


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Dr. Sotiris Manitsaris

Centre for Robotics | Deputy Director

Mines Paris | PSL Université
60 boulevard Saint-Michel 75272 PARIS Cedex 06

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