Notes from meeting 25th of January, 2023


Stefan Liström

Domingo Iglesias

Kilian Klein

Ferran Abarca

Maria Tsiakmaki


Task 2.2 e-signature

Sunet consultants ready with their suggestion. Stefan will send it out to task 2.2 for review and setup a new meeting to discuss moving forward.

Maria testing and the previous errors are now fixed. Found new problems however, that they are working on solving at the moment.

Task 2.3 e-archiving

Everything is up and running. More work right now on remote handling. Preparing for the march stakeholder meeting.

Task 2.4 e-translate

Kilian reviewing the report this or beginning of next week.

Task 2.5 Housing app

Kilian and Peter have talked about and clarified the requirements. E.g. to have the myAcademicID login and some aspects are similar to the HOME project so it has potential for future integration with e.g. the Erasmus+ app.

Task 2.6 connecting e-services

Focus on a communication effort between projects that are relevant in this case, e.g. EWP+ and EDSSI L2 to ensure that what we do in this project is relevant for other projects that can potentially use our deliverables and output, e.g. within the Erasmus+ app.

Next meeting

Wednesday the 8th of February between 13:00-14:00 CET.
Stefan will not be present for this meeting, but the meeting room is open if someone needs to coordinate activities. Next meeting after that will be on the 22nd of February between 13:00-14:00.