Notes from meeting 29th of June, 2022
Stefan Liström
Domingo Iglesias
Anikó Makkai-Kovács
Ferran Abarca
Fresia Pérez Arriagada
Leif Johansson
Licia Florio
Task 2.1 Updating requirements analysis for building blocks and e-services
Stefan, Licia, Leif and Anikó will have a meeting about the deliverable this Friday to discuss further how to continue.
Task 2.2 e-signature
The code for the e-signature backend with the CA-integration code is starting to be ready. Goal is to have the code done by end of August:
After that the work on the actual CA integration can start. Plans how to do the integration is already done.
OLA integration is getting close to a proof of concept, Maria is working on some of the final issues.
Task 2.5 housing
Meeting tomorrow to go through the concepts and once that is done start coding the proof of concept.
By end of August we have the first year reporting to the EC. More information will be sent out about this on the project list. But basically we are supposed to report on what we have been working on so far in the project. Task leaders can prepare now already if they want to write down what has been going on in the different tasts.
There is a word template that can be used, which can be found on the Google drive and should be possible to access using the following link:
Next meetings
Stefan will be on summer vacation in July but the two meetings that we already booked in July will still be open if anyone wants to check in and might have issues they need to discuss.
The two July meetings are:
13th of July between 13:00-14:00 CEST and
27th of July between 13:00-14:00 CEST